Here is the code from Twilio Docs - Python
# Download the Python helper library from twilio.com/docs/python/install
from twilio.rest import TwilioRestClient
# Your Account Sid and Auth Token from twilio.com/user/account
account_sid = "AC0edc1a7f12e0e0876ce878e903d3bd54"
auth_token = "{{ auth_token }}"
client = TwilioRestClient(account_sid, auth_token)
conference = client.conferences.get("CFbbe46ff1274e283f7e3ac1df0072ab39")
print conference.status
I am trying to create conference call instance. I have everything working except for the conference call instance. Ideally I would like for hosts to enter a pin and listeners to join the conference by pressing a digit. But right now, I am trying to create a conference instance. I do not under stand from the above docs, how do I create the 34-key conference sid? I am assuming this is automatically generated? How could I store this value?
@app.route('/caller', methods=['GET','POST']) #'GET'
def caller():
response = twiml.Response()
response.say("Welcome to the conference call.")
response.pause(length = "1")
response.say ("Please hold.")
return str(response)
def conference():
client = TwilioRestClient(settings.api_key, settings.api_tok)
conference = client.conferences.get(ConferenceSid)
#print /2010-04-01/Accounts/settings.api_key/Conferences/{ConferenceSid}
As per Twilio's documentation, it seems like you're not really supposed to return the conference's SID to create one.
You're supposed to provide a conference name instead:
<Conference>Room 1234</Conference>
The SID may be useful later on if you also need to call the API. If you actually need it, you should be able to get a list of conferences.