Haskell pattern matching conundrum

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-11 09:44:33


I was trying to search through a list of pairs that could have the element ("$", Undefined) in it at some arbitrary location. I wanted to ONLY search the part of the list in front of that special element, so I tried something like this (alreadyThere is intended to take the element n and the list xs as arguments):

checkNotSameScope :: Env -> VarName -> Expr -> Expr
checkNotSameScope (xs:("$", Undefined):_) n e = if alreadyThere n xs then BoolLit False
                                                   else BoolLit True

But that does not work; the compiler seemed to indicate that (xs: ..) only deals with a SINGLE value prepending my list. I cannot use : to indicate the first chunk of a list; only a single element. Looking back, this makes sense; otherwise, how would the compiler know what to do? Adding an "s" to something like "x" doesn't magically make multiple elements! But how can I work around this?


Unfortunately, even with smart compilers and languages, some programming cannot be avoided...

In your case it seems you want the part of a list up to a specific element. More generally, to find the list up to some condition you can use the standard library takeWhile function. Then you can just run alreadyThere on it:

checkNotSameScope :: Env -> VarName -> Expr -> Expr
checkNotSameScope xs n e = if alreadyThere n (takeWhile (/= ("$", Undefined)) xs)
                           then BoolLit False
                           else BoolLit True

It maybe does not what you want for lists where ("$", Undefined) does not occur, so beware.


Similar to Joachim's answer, you can use break, which will allow you to detect when ("$", Undefined) doesn't occur (if this is necessary). i.e.

checkNotSameScope xs n e = case break (== ("$", Undefined)) xs of
                             (_, [])  -> .. -- ("$", Undefined) didn't occur!
                             (xs', _) -> BoolLit . not $ alreadyThere n xs'

(NB. you lose some laziness in this solution, since the list has to be traversed until ("$", Undefined), or to the end, to check the first case.)


Haskell cannot do this kind of pattern matching out of the box, although there are some languages which can, like CLIPS for example, or F#, by using active patterns.

But we can use Haskell's existing pattern matching capabilities to obtain a similar result. Let us first define a function called deconstruct defined like this:

deconstruct :: [a] -> [([a], a, [a])]
deconstruct [] = []
deconstruct [x] = [([], x, [])]
deconstruct (x:xs) = ([], x, xs) : [(x:ys1, y, ys2) | (ys1, y, ys2) <- deconstruct xs]

What this function does is to obtain all the decompositions of a list xs into triples of form (ys1, y, ys2) such that ys1 ++ [y] ++ ys2 == xs. So for example:

deconstruct [1..4] => [([],1,[2,3,4]),([1],2,[3,4]),([1,2],3,[4]),([1,2,3],4,[])]

Using this you can define your function as follows:

checkNotSameScope xs n e =
    case [ys | (ys, ("$", Undefined), _) <- deconstruct xs] of
        [ys] -> BoolLit $ not $ alreadyThere n xs
        _    -> -- handle the case when ("$", Undefined) doesn't occur at all or more than once

We can use the do-notation to obtain something even closer to what you are looking for:

checkNotSameScope xs n e = BoolLit $ not $ any (alreadyThere n) prefixes
        prefixes = do
            (xs, ("$", Undefined), _) <- deconstruct xs
            return xs

There are several things going on here. First of all the prefixes variable will store all the prefix lists which occur before the ("$", Undefined) pair - or none if the pair is not in the input list xs. Then using the any function we are checking whether alreadyThere n gives us True for any of the prefixes. And the rest is to complete your function's logic.

