Compare two JPasswordFields in Java before saving? [duplicate]

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-11 09:38:02


Possible Duplicate:
How to check if JPassword field is null

While creating a login registration form, I am using two password fields. Before saving the data, I want to compare both fields; and if they match, then the data should be saved in file. If not it should open a dialog box. Please can anyone help me.


The safest way would be to use Arrays.equals:

if (Arrays.equals(passwordField1.getPassword(), passwordField2.getPassword())) {
   // save data
} else {
  // do other stuff

Explanation: JPassword.getText was purposely deprecated to avoid using Strings in favor of using a char[] returned by getPassword.

When calling getText you get a String (immutable object) that may not be changed (except reflection) and so the password stays in the memory until garbage collected.

A char array however may be modified, so the password will really not stay in memory.

This above solution is in keeping with that approach.


It would help to show what you have tried...

but you'd do it something like:

//declare fields

JPasswordField jpf1=...;
JPasswordField jpf2=...;


 //get the password  from the passwordfields

String jpf1Text=Arrays.toString(jpf1.getPassword());//get the char array of password and convert to string represenation
String jpf2Text=Arrays.toString(jpf2.getPassword());

//compare the fields contents
if(jpf1Text.equals(jpf2Text)) {//they are equal

}else {//they are not equal


