When I use col_count in gspread I get the total number of columns of the Google sheet, even though only three columns contain data, also with the rows. It would be more useful if I could get the number of columns and rows with data. Is there a way to do that?
That's seems a problem for me also. But for me these works nicely
print('column count',end=' ')
The functions of row_count and col_count will grab all active rows/columns regardless of rather they hold data or not.
Two workarounds for this: 1. build you own function to check if data exists which user user222216 stated above ( I did not check if it worked)
Get all the data and count it For example:
max_rows = lens(worksheet.get_all_values()) #this is a list of list of all data and the length is equal to the number of rows including header row if it exists in data set max_cols = len(worksheet.get_all_values()[0]) #this will count the items in the first row, and assumes the first row is either header or has no empty cells
ADutta has provided the solution for a single row, this expands on that answer to show the size of the entire non-blank worksheet, assuming consecutive non-blank rows.
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
wks = gc.open('test1').sheet1
print ('total rows in worksheet',wks.row_count) # worksheet rows including empty rows
print ('total cols in worksheet',wks.col_count) # worksheet cols including empty cols
max_cols = 0
for non_empty_row_num in range(1,wks.row_count): # step thru non-empty rows
cols_in_row = len(wks.row_values(non_empty_row_num)) # number of cols in this non-empty row
# print (non_empty_row_num,cols_in_row)
if cols_in_row > max_cols: max_cols = cols_in_row
if cols_in_row == 0: # only process if not empty
print (non_empty_row_num,max_cols)
break # stop getting new rows at first empty row
print (len(wks.get_all_values())) # just the non-empty row count