Running Parallel Tests using Gauge Framework with Browserstack

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-11 08:25:55


I'm using Gauge framework and Browserstack for my test scenarios. I'm researching how can i parallel execute my test scenarios(.spec) using browserstack?

I read many documentation but I couldnt see anything about Gauge framework to run parallel test. I tried to use Junit or NG but i couldnt adapt them.Is it impossible? Any ideas?


Luckily, Gauge has support for running specs in parallel by setting a flag and specifying the max number of threads allowed:

gauge --parallel -n=4 specs

Assuming your spec files are in /specs/. Depending on your build tool, there are various plugins that can facilitate the same. For example, here is a repo for Maven + Gauge + BrowserStack.

It will run four specs-- in parallel-- for Chrome, Firefox, and IE. The important piece there is the gauge-maven-plugin and the flag in the POM.xml.

Feel free to clone it down and run on your BrowserStack Automate account!

