Want my LMS to be SCORM compatible

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-11 07:37:40


I have an LMS written in ASP.net (VB) which is AICC compatible. I would like the system to be compatible with SCORM. I am using Articulate to create the Course contents but struggling to find a way to communicate between the contents and the LMS. I know that imsmanifest.xml holding the course details and the javascript files in lms folder are the communication port. Now if I want to track the user activity in course, what should I do?


You need to implement the SCORM run-time environment to capture user activity. This involves launching the content in a frameset or a new window and then providing a JavaScript API that allows the content to Get and Set elements defined by the SCORM data model. If you are implementing SCORM 2004, you will also need to create a sequencing engine that inputs the data exchanged at run-time into a rules interpretation engine to determine how to navigate the learner through the course. For more detail, check out the technical part of SCORM Explained and drill down into the various sections.

