I have a worker.php file as below
$data = $argv[1];
//then some time consuming $data processing
and I run this as a poor man's job queue using gnu parallel
while read LINE; do echo $LINE; done < very_big_file_10GB.txt | parallel -u php worker.php
which kind of works by forking 4 php processes when I am on 4 cpu machine.
But it still feels pretty synchronous to me because read LINE is still reading one line at a time.
Since it is 10GB file, I am wondering if somehow I can use parallel to read the same file in parallel by splitting it into n parts (where n = number of my cpus), that will make my import n times faster (ideally).
No need to do the while
parallel -u php worker.php :::: very_big_file_10GB.txt
Ungroup output. Only use this if you are not going to use the output, as output from different jobs may mix.
File input source. Equivalent to -a
I think you will benefit from reading at least chapter 2 (Learn GNU Parallel in 15 minutes) of "GNU Parallel 2018". You can buy it at http://www.lulu.com/shop/ole-tange/gnu-parallel-2018/paperback/product-23558902.html or download it at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1146014