Kentico ASCX transformation page type properties

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-11 05:28:41


I'm starting to plan out an full dynamic accordion. The idea is files would be upload to a series of folders. Now i could place a bunch of repeaters on a page, one per folder and have a transformation that reads the files and generates links and the HTML for the accordion. What I'm hoping to do is have one transformation what will read all the folders, and their children.

So initial logic is something like this.

if (PageType = cms.Folder && HasChildren = true){
  Output folder name + html
  Output children + html

Example content tree:

parent node

  • Folder 1
    • PDF
    • PDF
    • PDF
  • Folder 2
  • Folder 3
  • Folder 4

I can control the children page types, cms.file, and the parents will be cms.folder, but how do i detect determine the actual page type and if there are children?


Mark, consider using hierarchical transformation/viewer - it should handle this.


We can use nested repeater in transformation. Something Reference link is

