I'm a C# dev since long ago.
I learn F# and use it for scientific purposes/research/approbation works. I find many its functional features powerful but I'm straggling to write classes — the essential thing I know to do very well in C#.
What would help me (and the community) is to translate the following C# code.
class CoolAttribute : Attribute
class BaseClass
public BaseClass(int zzz)
// zzz doesn't matter; what matters is that zzz is required
public virtual void XHello()
Console.WriteLine("I'm BaseClass.");
interface IFirst
void Hello();
interface ISecond
int MagicNumber();
[DebuggerDisplay("pubI = {pubI}")]
class SampleClass : BaseClass, IFirst, ISecond
private int privI;
protected int protI;
public int pubI;
private static string s_privStr;
static SampleClass()
s_privStr = "";
public event Action<string> OnSomething = (el) => { };
public int PubI
get { return pubI; }
set { pubI = value; }
public static string StatStr
get { return s_privStr; }
// Default constructor
: base(0)
privI = 1;
protI = 2;
pubI = 3;
// Other constructor
SampleClass(int a, int b, int c)
: base(a + b + c)
privI = a;
protI = b;
pubI = c;
public void PubSimpleMethod()
protected virtual void ProtVirtMethod()
OnSomething("From the virt method.");
private static void PrivStatMethod()
public void Hello()
Console.WriteLine("Hello (IFirst)");
public override void XHello()
Console.WriteLine("I'm SampleClass");
public int MagicNumber()
return privI + protI + pubI;
public void Additional([Cool] int i)
public static SampleClass operator +(SampleClass a, SampleClass b)
return new SampleClass(a.privI + b.privI,
a.protI + b.protI,
a.pubI + b.pubI);
F# translation [work in progress, to be updated with answers]:
//// wrong ...
//type CoolAtribute =
// extend Attribute
type BaseClass(zzz : int) =
// virtual
abstract XHello : unit -> unit
default this.XHello() =
printfn "I'm BaseClass."
// seems Ok
type IFirst =
abstract Hello : unit
type ISecond =
abstract MagicNumber : int
[<DebuggerDisplay("pubI = {pubI}")>] // ????
type SampleClass() =
inherit BaseClass(0) // necessary argument ? 1 constructor
// implements IFirst, ISecond
let mutable privI = 0 // initialization required
// protI
// pubI
// wrong:
//let static mutable s_privStr = ""
// static constructor
// event OnSomething
// seems Ok
member this.PubI
with get() = privI
and set(value) = privI <- value
// ??
//static member StatStr
// with get() = s_privStr
// and set(value) = s_privStr <- value
// Default constructor
// Other constructor
// C#: SampleClass(int a, int b, int c)
member this.PubSimpleMethod() =
do ignore
abstract ProtVirtMethod : unit -> unit
default this.ProtVirtMethod() =
// raise event OnSomething("From the virt method.");
member this.PrivStatMethod() =
do ignore
member this.Hello() =
printfn "Hello (IFirst)"
// override
member this.XHello() =
printfn "I'm SampleClass"
member this.MagicNumber() : int =
privI + protI + pubI
// apply attribute to the argument
member this.Additional( (*[Cool*) i :int) =
do ignore
// operator +
Most of the code looks good to me, but you can't use plain member
to define virtual methods. (This is because F# code does not typically use implementation inheritance, so this is not needed that often).
To define a virtual method, you need to use abstract
and default
type Virtual() =
abstract Foo : int -> int
default this.Foo(n) = n + 1
To override the method in a derived type, you can write:
type Derived() =
inherit Virtual()
override this.Foo(n) = n + 2