I have a Raspberry Pi 2 with Windows 10 ioT installed. How do I set the IP Address statically in code?
You can do this by connecting remotely to your device via Powershell and running "netsh".
You can perform a variety of tasks using the Netsh command-line utility, including configuring the IP addresses of network adapters in Windows.
Here’s how to configure a static IP address:
netsh interface ip set address "connection name" static
NOTE: The default connection names are Local Area Connection for wired adapters and Wireless Network Connection for Wi-Fi adapters. The IP address order: client IP, subnet mask, and gateway IP.
Here’s how to configure the DNS addresses:
netsh interface ip add dns "connection name"
netsh interface ip add dns "connection name" index=2
NOTE: Remember to replace the connection names and IP addresses.
Now it can be done directly with Windows Device Portal (with your browser)
The short answer is that it cannot be done via code at this time.
First start the session with iOT via Windows PowerShell Using PowerShell to connect and configure a device running Windows 10 IoT Core
Then follow How to Change Your IP Address Using PowerShell
I guess It's a bit late, but after several research, the only solution I have found out that works so far (C#) is using ShellStream class from SSH.NET (Renci):
SshClient client = new SshClient(host, username, password);
ShellStream stream = client.CreateShellStream("shellName", 80, 24, 800, 600, 1024);
Then you can manipulate the stream through StreamReader/StreamWriter and call writeLine() to introduce the cmds into the Shell.
PS: You need to install SSH.NET using the Nuget Manager, by typing the next line on the console: Install-Package SSH.NET -Pre
Hope It helps.