Is it possible to redirect search-Result (portlet: $theme.journalContentSearch()
) to another my page (example "/search")?
In .../taglib/ui/search/start.jsp
I have tried to change:
portletURL.setParameter("redirect", currentURL);
portletURL.setParameter("redirect", "/results");
But didn't work. Have you any suggestion? Thanks.
I know, this is an outdated question. But, today I had similar task to do and here are my findings.
Unfortunately, there isn't any configuration option available to redirect and show search results on desired page.
However, I solved it with following custom jQuery
if(jQuery('#p_p_id_77_') != null && jQuery('#p_p_id_77_').length > 0){
var URL = jQuery('#p_p_id_77_').find('form').attr('action');
var startURL = URL.substring(0, URL.lastIndexOf('/'));
var middleURL = "/search"; // Page where you want to redirect and show search results
var endURL = URL.substring(URL.indexOf('?'), URL.length);
var finalURL = startURL + middleURL + endURL;
jQuery('#p_p_id_77_').find('form').attr('action', finalURL);
And this is my HTML
part of portal_normal.vm
<div class="top-header-search">
#set ($searchPortletId = "77")
$velocityPortletPreferences.setValue("portlet-setup-show-borders", "false")
#set($restoreRenderingPortletContent = $theme.runtime($searchPortletId, "", $velocityPortletPreferences.toString()))
I preferred embedding search portlet using $theme.runtime
, because I observed that using $theme.journalContentSearch()
redirection part is working fine, but it is returning everything in search, as keyword
of header field is not being passed to search results field.