Edge17 - SEC7136 - The origin failed an integrity check for a resource

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-11 03:13:43


In a jekyll website, I added a plugin (http://flexslider.woothemes.com/), everything is working fine upto Edge16 & below browsers, however, in Edge17, I see the console message:

SEC7136: [Integrity] The origin '[insert url]' failed an integrity check for a style resource at '[url]'

What is this error about? And how is the offending file, in this case, a CSS file, causing an integrity issue in Edge17 & not the previous version?



This is a known bug in 1803 Win10 release. You are probably importing a CSS stylesheet and even though the parent has good integrity Edge regards the imported stylesheet as "Bad" integrity and blocks it - Which is not correct and hence a bug. This should be fixed in the upcoming Windows release.


This is not a bug with the OS. It's actually a security feature. When you load an external JavaScript or CSS resource from a CDN, there is an attribute for integrity. If the values aren't correct, the resource will not load. This is a protection against unexpected or malicious third party modification. It appears that this validation is now enforced in Edge.

To fix, all you have to do is update your CDN references in your code, and be sure to include the correct integrity and crossorigin attributes.

Here is an excellent resource that explains in detail.

