my resource is in this format "testing/101/getCustomer/99"
Here I need to change "101" and "99" part dynamically by groovy so that I can run for multiple values in same test case. I looked into the ReadyAPI's built in feature, but it was not that helpful.
I also found this link, but it changed the resource in the entire project. The solution I am looking for is in test case level. As my each test case will have different url.
Any help will be appreciated.
Here is what I have tried so far
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.rest.RestResource
import java.io.*;
def project = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.getProject()
String restServiceName = "Resource name" (From the Rest Request Properties)
List<RestResource> ops = project.getInterfaces()[restServiceName].getOperationList()
log.info("ops ::"+ops);
log.info("ops size ::"+ops.size());
for (RestResource restResource : ops) {
String pathStr = restResource.getFullPath();
log.info("pathStr first-->"+restResource.getFullPath());
if (pathStr.contains("101"))
restResource.setPath(pathStr.replace("testing/101/getCustomer/99", "testing/50/getCustomer/99"));
you could use a testCase level property
first set the the value of res by groovy like below
def x=101
def y=99
def res="testing/$x/getCustomer/$y"
Now the testcase level property is set. It can be used as below wherever you want