I need to migrate the play mailer plugin for play 2.4.I checked some samples for play 2.4 and found that all the samples uses classes for plugin. I don't want to convert it to class. Is there any way for it to work with Object?
class MyComponent @Inject() (mailerClient: MailerClient) {
def sendEmail {
val email = Email(......)
Original Code
object MailHandler{
def sendEmail(to: String) = {
try {
val email = play.api.libs.mailer.Email(...)
case ex:Exception=>PlayLogger.instance.error(ex.getMessage)
I assume you use an object instead of a class in order to make it a singleton.
There is a special annotation for singletons (-> @Singleton
) which makes sure there is only one instance of your class created.
Although they still use an actual class instead of an object.
An example could look like this:
import javax.inject._
class MailerClient {
def sendEmail(to: String) = {
try {
val email = play.api.libs.mailer.Email(...)
case ex:Exception=>PlayLogger.instance.error(ex.getMessage)
Have a look at the documentation: https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.4.x/ScalaDependencyInjection#Singletons