How to configure maven-release to use Perforce as SCM provider?

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-11 02:59:58


I am trying to use the maven release plugin to create a released version of a Java project having Perforce as the SCM.

My pom scm section is:


Also I use the P4Maven plugin and the Maven Release Plugin:


When calling 'mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true' I get

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.5:prepare 
(default-cli) on project mycomponent: The provider given in the SCM URL could not be found: 
No such provider: 'p4'. -> [Help 1]

Any ideas?

I am able to call mvn scm:checkout.


You need to add the p4maven as dependency to the maven-scm-plugin as well as to the maven-release-plugin.

    <!-- P4Maven -->


It turned out that P4Maven comes not out of the box. I had to download it from the Perforce pages and install it into my repository (following the instructions in the download zip file). After that I could successfully use p4 as the SCM provider.


Here I done recently:


And then some useful commands:

mvn scm:changelog -Dusername=yourP4user -Dpassword=yourP4pwd
release:prepare -Dusername=yourP4user -Dpassword=yourP4pwd -autoVersionSubmodules=true -DignoreSnapshots=true

