Finding max value of a weighted subset sum of a power set

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-11 02:58:42


I've got a sparse power set for an input (ie some combos have been pre-excluded). Each entry in the power set has a certain score. I want to find the combination that covers all points and maximizes the overall score.

For example, let's say the input is generated as follows:

function powerset(ary) {
  var ps = [[]];
  for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
    for (var j = 0, len = ps.length; j < len; j++) {
  return ps;

function generateScores() {
  var sets = powerset([0, 1, 2, 3]);
  sets.pop() //remove the last entry to make it "sparse"
  var scores = {};
  for (var i = 1; i < sets.length; i++) { //skip 0-len
    var set = sets[i];
    var val = 0;
    for (var j = 0; j < set.length; j++) {
      val |= (1 << set[j]);
    scores[val] = ~~Math.pow(((Math.random()+1)*4),set.length);
  return scores;
var scores = generateScores();

And the output would look like this:

  "1": 7,
  "2": 4,
  "3": 36,
  "4": 5,
  "5": 32,
  "6": 50,
  "7": 84,
  "8": 4,
  "9": 30,
  "10": 50,
  "11": 510,
  "12": 47,
  "13": 73,
  "14": 344,

Since order doesn't matter, I can convert the combinations into a bitmask & use that as the key. So to read the table: a key of "3" is 011 is base 2, which means linking 0-1 yields a score of 36, whereas 0 individually + 1 individually yields a total sum of 11, therefore the linkage, 0-1, is greater than the sum of its parts 0,1.

In doing so, I've reduced this to a weighted subset sum problem, where the goal is to find every combination that sums to 15 (the equivalent of 1111 in base 2) & then take the max. This is where I'm stuck. I tried using dynamic programming, but due to the randomness, I don't see how I can make any reductions. For example, 1-2 may be better than 1,2 (in the above table, "3" has a higher score than "1" + "2"). However 1-3,2 could be better than 1-2,3 or 1-2-3).

How might I efficiently find the optimal mix? (brute force isn't feasible). For this example, the solution would be "11" + "4", for a total of 515.


You want to find the combination of elements that sum to 15 and don't have any overlapping bits, maximizing the score of the selected elements.

To do this, define a function bestSubset(use, valid) that inputs a set of elements it's required to use and a subset of elements that are valid to be included but have not yet been considered. It operates recursively by considering an element s in the valid set, considering either the case where s is used or when it is not used (if it is used then any elements that overlap bits can no longer be used).

Here's a javascript implementation:

var scores = {1:7, 2:4, 3:36, 4:5, 5:32, 6:50, 7:84, 8:4, 9:30, 10:50, 11:510, 12:47, 13:73, 14:344};
var S = [];
for (var prop in scores) {
  S.push([parseInt(prop), scores[prop]]);

var n = 15;  // Target sum
var k = S.length;  // Number of weights

function bestSubset(use, valid) {
  if (valid.length == 0) {
    var weightSum = 0;
    var scoreSum = 0;
    var weights = [];
    for (var ct=0; ct < use.length; ct++) {
      weightSum += S[use[ct]][0];
      scoreSum += S[use[ct]][1];
    if (weightSum == n) {
      return [weights, scoreSum];
    } else {
      return false;

  // Don't use valid[0]
  var valid1 = [];
  for (ct=1; ct < valid.length; ct++) {
  var opt1 = bestSubset(use, valid1);

  // Use valid[0]
  var use2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(use));
  var valid2 = [];
  for (ct=1; ct < valid.length; ct++) {
    if ((S[valid[0]][0] & S[valid[ct]][0]) == 0) {
  var opt2 = bestSubset(use2, valid2);

  if (opt1 === false) {
    return opt2;
  } else if (opt2 === false || opt1[1] >= opt2[1]) {
    return opt1;
  } else {
    return opt2;

var initValid = [];
for (var ct=0; ct < S.length; ct++) {
alert(JSON.stringify(bestSubset([], initValid)));

This returns the set [4, 11] with score 515, as you identified in your original post.

From some computational experiments in the non-sparse case (aka with d digits and target (2^d)-1, include all numbers 1, 2, ..., (2^d)-1), I found that this runs exponentially in the number of digits (the number of times it checks validity at the top of the recursive function is O(e^(1.47d))). This is much faster than the brute force case in which you separately consider including or not including each of the numbers 1, 2, ..., (2^d)-1, which runs in doubly exponential runtime -- O(2^2^d).


For those googling this, I used the answer provided from @josilber without recursion & with overlap protection (see below). Since recursion depth in JS is limited to 1000, I had to use loops. Unfortunately for my use case, I'm still running out of memory, so it looks like I have to use some heuristic.

var scores = {1: 7, 2: 4, 3: 36, 4: 5, 5: 32, 6: 50, 7: 84, 8: 4, 9: 30, 10: 50, 11: 510, 12: 47, 13: 73, 14: 344};
var S = [];
var keys = Object.keys(scores);
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
  S.push([parseInt(keys[i]), scores[keys[i]]]);

var n = Math.pow(2,range.length) -1;  // Target sum
var k = S.length;  // Number of weights

// best[i, j] is scored in position i*(k+1) + j
var best = [];

// Base case
for (var j = 0; j <= k; j++) {
  best.push([[], 0]);

// Main loop
for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++) { 
  best.push(false);  // j=0 case infeasible
  for (j = 1; j <= k; j++) {
    var opt1 = best[i * (k + 1) + j - 1];
    var opt2 = false;
    if (S[j - 1][0] <= i) {
      var parent = best[(i - S[j - 1][0]) * (k + 1) + j - 1];
      if (parent !== false) {
        opt2 = [parent[0].slice(), parent[1]];
        var child = S[j - 1];
        var opt2BitSig = 0;
        for (var m = 0; m < opt2[0].length; m++) {
          opt2BitSig |= opt2[0][m];
        if ((opt2BitSig & child[0])) {
          opt2 = false;
        } else {
          opt2[1] += child[1];
    if (opt1 === false) {
    } else if (opt2 === false || opt1[1] >= opt2[1]) {
    } else {

console.log(JSON.stringify(best[n * (k + 1) + k]));


A different approach (as always):

First thought:

You can get a weight for every value whose sum is smaller than a single weight. Therefore wa + wb < wc and a + b = c, which leads to a simple weight system.

Second thought:

For better understanding weights, it must be natural numbers aka integers.

Third thought:

Why not just use the numbers itself with a small reduction to make sums smaller than a single weight.


I take the numbers and take the value as weight. Additionally, I reduce their value by 1 so:

a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 wa + wb < wc
wa = 0, wb = 1, wc = 2 => 0 + 1 < 2

The formula: weightn = n - 1


For every summand, you get a malus of -1. So, for more summands, you get a smaller number than the weight of the original number.

Another Example:

The weight15 (14) should be greater than the sum of weight4 (3) and weight11 (10).

In numbers: 14 > 3 + 10

I mean, no program code is required here.

