I have a weird issue happening when trying to set blobID for the existing user zero. This has worked earlier and I do not know what may be causing this.
In relation to item: Quickblox: an issue in deleting content item (picture file / blob)
I need to remove blob/content reference from the user in order to remove the user object completely. Now, when trying to set blobID as zero, it does not change but instead updateUsers will return "No data was provided".
So I tried to change also some other data, such as fullName & tags in order to see if any data changes with user object: this query returns sucecss and these other fields have been changed (confirmed with QB admin panel) but blobID is ignored/not changed.
My code:
QBUUser *user = [QBUUser user];
user.ID = self.currentUser.ID; // current user QB ID
user.tags = [[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"DELETED", nil] mutableCopy];
user.fullName = @"DELETED";
user.blobID = 0;
[QBUsers updateUser:user delegate:self context:contextUpdateProfile];
<Warning>: Performing async request:
PUT http://api.quickblox.com/users/723606u.xml?user%5Bfull_name%5D=DELETED&user%5Btag_list%5D=DELETED
"QB-SDK" = "iOS 1.8.1";
"Qb-Token" = 1738d8c1e14a448da4e232ca81d087d1756c6a9b;
"QuickBlox-REST-API-Version" = "0.1.1";
<Warning>: -[MyBackend completedWithResult:context:]1659| AA QBUUserResult - contextUpdateProfile: user updated succesfully.
What am I doing incorrectly? I am pretty sure this has worked earlier as I have been able to remove users with the same process and have tried to dig into my code if I have changed anything but without success.. :(
Any suggestions/tips are appreciated.