equivalent of getbuffer for BytesIO in Python 2

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-11 01:48:02


In Python 3, I can get the size of a ByteIO object via object.getbuffer().nbytes (where object = ByteIO()), but what would be the best equivalent for getbuffer() in Python 2? Doing some exploring, I found out I can use len(object.getvalue()) or sys.getsizeof(object), but I don't know if Python 2 will accept them.


After digging in python 2.7 source code I found a simple solution: because io.BytesIO() returns a file descriptor, it has a standard set of functions including tell().

Note that indirect methods such as len(fd.getvalue()) or fd.getbuffer().nbytes copy buffer out and then compute buffer size. In my case, when the buffer holds 1/2 of the memory, this ends up as an application crash :/

Contrary fd.tell() just reports a current position of the descriptor and do not need any memory allocation!

Note that both sys.getsizeof(fd), fd.__sizeof__() do not return correct bufer size.

>>> from io  import BytesIO
>>> from sys import getsizeof
>>> with BytesIO() as fd:              
...  for x in xrange(200):
...   fd.write(" ")
...   print fd.tell(), fd.__sizeof__(), getsizeof(fd)
1 66 98
2 66 98
3 68 100
4 68 100
5 70 102
6 70 102
194 265 297
195 265 297
196 265 297
197 265 297
198 265 297
199 265 297
200 265 297


You can use getvalue()


from io import BytesIO
if __name__ == "__main__":
    out = BytesIO()
    print len(out.getvalue())

See: https://docs.python.org/2/library/io.html#io.BytesIO.getvalue

