Filter User email - no delegation

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-11 01:01:28


I'm using powerapps on a sharepoint list datasource. Trying to do a filter based on the current user's email ID on a single line text field in sharepoint. Getting this error,

I believe there's 2 errors above.

1) User().Email function itself does not support delegation.

2) '=' operator does not support delegation.

For (2), not sure why it's giving an error. '=' operator supposed to support delegation,

For (1), I've saved the User() object into a global variable "CurrentUserG" on start. It seems to fix this error.


Since you set CurrentUserG=User() at the start and User() returns a record, not a value, then you probably need:

Filter(Clock_In_Out, CurrentUserG.Email=User_Email)

If you do not get the result you need, remember that text comparisons in PowerApps are case sensitive. If you have this issue, just use Lower() on both sides of the equation.

