Getting WSO2 IOT Server running as a Windows Service

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-11 00:49:46


I have installed WSO2 IOT Server on Server 2012R2. I installed YAJSW wrapper and configured it per WSO2 instructions. When I fire off runConsole.bat to configure the Windows service, I get the following error. I have JAVA_HOME & CARBON_HOME set. It looks like the process cannot find files, but the directory exists and there are files files there.

c:\Program Files\yajsw\bat>call setenv.bat
"java" -Xmx30m -Djna_tmpdir="c:\Program Files\yajsw\bat\/../tmp"
erIPv4Stack=true -jar "c:\Program Files\yajsw\bat\/../wrapper.jar" -c "c:\Progra
m Files\yajsw\bat\/../conf/wrapper.conf"
YAJSW: yajsw-stable-12.08
OS   : Windows Server 2012 R2/6.3/amd64
JVM  : Oracle Corporation/1.8.0_121/C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_121/64
Feb 23, 2017 8:09:07 AM org.apache.commons.vfs2.VfsLog info
INFO: Using "C:\Users\ADMINI~1.LEA\AppData\Local\Temp\1\vfs_cache" as temporary
files store.
WARNING|wrapper|"WSO2 Carbon"|17-02-23 08:09:07|YAJSW: yajsw-stable-12.08
WARNING|wrapper|"WSO2 Carbon"|17-02-23 08:09:07|OS   : Windows Server 2012 R2/6.
WARNING|wrapper|"WSO2 Carbon"|17-02-23 08:09:07|JVM  : Oracle Corporation/1.8.0_
121/C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_121/64
Feb 23, 2017 8:09:08 AM org.rzo.yajsw.wrapper.FileUtils getFiles
WARNING: No files found for C:\Program Files\WSO2\\bin\*.jar
system.env 55
INFO|wrapper|"WSO2 Carbon"|17-02-23 08:09:08|started process with pid 638044
INFO|wrapper|"WSO2 Carbon"|17-02-23 08:09:08|restart process due to default exit
 code rule
INFO|wrapper|"WSO2 Carbon"|17-02-23 08:09:08|restart internal RUNNING
INFO|wrapper|"WSO2 Carbon"|17-02-23 08:09:08|stopping process with pid/timeout 6
38044 45000
INFO|wrapper|"WSO2 Carbon"|17-02-23 08:09:09|process exit code: 1


I had the same issue when I was using yajsw 12.08. And yajsw 11.11 has solved it.
Download link:

