I used to use perl -c programfile
to check the syntax of a Perl program and then exit without executing it. Is there an equivalent way to do this for a Python script?
Mark Johnson
You can check the syntax by compiling it:
python -m py_compile script.py
Rosh Oxymoron
import sys
filename = sys.argv[1]
source = open(filename, 'r').read() + '\n'
compile(source, filename, 'exec')
Save this as checker.py and run python checker.py yourpyfile.py
Perhaps useful online checker PEP8 : http://pep8online.com/
for some reason ( I am a py newbie ... ) the -m call did not work ...
so here is a bash wrapper func ...
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# check the python synax for all the *.py files under the
# <<product_version_dir/sfw/python
# ---------------------------------------------------------
doLog "DEBUG START doCheckPythonSyntax"
test -z "$sleep_interval" || sleep "$sleep_interval"
cd $product_version_dir/sfw/python
# python3 -m compileall "$product_version_dir/sfw/python"
# foreach *.py file ...
while read -r f ; do \
py_name_ext=$(basename $f)
doLog "python3 -c \"import $py_name\""
# doLog "python3 -m py_compile $f"
python3 -c "import $py_name"
# python3 -m py_compile "$f"
test $! -ne 0 && sleep 5
done < <(find "$product_version_dir/sfw/python" -type f -name "*.py")
doLog "DEBUG STOP doCheckPythonSyntax"
# eof func doCheckPythonSyntax