How concurrent # mappers and # reducers are calculated in Hadoop 2 + YARN?

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-10 23:15:54


I've searched by sometime and I've found that a MapReduce cluster using hadoop2 + yarn has the following number of concurrent maps and reduces per node:

Concurrent Maps # = yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb / Concurrent Reduces # = yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb / mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb

However, I've set up a cluster with 10 machines, with these configurations:

'yarn_site' => {
  'yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores' => '32',
  'yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb' => '16793',
  'yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb' => '532',
  'yarn.nodemanager.vmem-pmem-ratio' => '5',
  'yarn.nodemanager.pmem-check-enabled' => 'false'
'mapred_site' => {
  '' => '4669',
  'mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb' => '4915',
  '' => '-Xmx4669m',
  '' => '-Xmx4915m'

But after the cluster is set up, hadoop allows 6 containers for the entire cluster. What am I forgetting? What am I doing wrong?


Not sure if this is the same issue you're having, but I had a similar issue, where I launched an EMR cluster of 20 nodes of c3.8xlarge in the core instance group and similarly found the cluster to be severely underutilized when running a job (only 30 mappers were running concurrently across the entire cluster, even though the memory/vcore configs in YARN and MapReduce for my particular cluster show that over 500 concurrent containers can run). I was using Hadoop 2.4.0 on AMI 3.5.0.

It turns out that the instance group matters for some reason. When I relaunched the cluster with 20 nodes in task instance group and only 1 core node, that made a HUGE difference. I got over 500+ mappers running concurrently (in my case, the mappers were mostly downloading files from S3 and as such don't need HDFS).

I'm not sure why the different instance group type makes a difference, given that both can equally run tasks, but clearly they are being treated differently.

I thought I'd mention it here, given that I ran into this issue myself and using a different group type helped.

