I use ansible to send jobs / configurations to my k8s cluster via the kubectl command on my local machine. I have my inventory file setup so that each cluster is it's own group and each cluster is basically a connection to localhost .
# Inventory File
localhost ansible_connection=local
localhost ansible_connection=local
Then in my group_vars directory I have a different file with the name of my group from my inventory file that holds all the different variables for each cluster.
I limit my runs to target only one cluster with the limit option:
ansible-playbook -vv create.yaml -l east2.k.example.com --tags ingress-generate-only
The problem is that when I attempt to use variables in my templates I get variables from the other groups. I'm thinking because each group includes localhost.
Is there a better way to solve this issue? Can I set a flag so that groups only include the variables from the group_var files?
Refactor your inventory to use distinct names:
# Inventory File
east ansible_connection=local
east2 ansible_connection=local
This way Ansible will treat them as different hosts, thus not merging variables from different groups.