I get at Setup Blocked trying to install VS 2015 on win 7 x64
I had a CTP version installed, but I have uninstalled it, ran a reg clean, manual search and removed any key with vs 2015 or version=14, but stil I get this error. :-(
from the log file:
Condition 'CurrentOperation = "Install" AND (CommunityCore_Version14 < v14.0.23104.0) AND (ProfessionalCore_Version14 > v0.0.0.0) AND (ProfessionalCore_Version14 < v14.0.23104.0) AND NOT(ProfessionalCore_Version14 = v14.0.23107.0) AND (UltimateCore_Version14 = v0.0.0.0)' evaluates to true.
any ideas ?
I found and downloaded the old CTP, installed it again and uninstalled it using the /uninstall /force flags
it solve the problem.
I followed the following link: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/942fd4f7-9085-4cbf-bb98-a58706dbb693/visual-studio-ultimate-2012-rc-setup-blocked
- first Open registry (as administrator) and browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
- See if there is a string value "PendingFileRenameOperations" and check the value
- If there is one, Rename the string value "PendingFileRenameOperations" to something similar to "PendingFileRenameOperationsrename"
- After restarting the machine, the uninstall should work fine.
- Then change the registration key back to its original value.