Google OAuth API not working anymore?! 404 error

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-10 18:27:16


I've got a strange problem with my Analytics Windows Phone App. It's been 2 months now from the first release. My Google Oauth always worked... until several days ago.

It is impossible to authorize the app to access Analytics data anymore. And I've changed totally nothing!

The first URI I use is: localhost

It's the same as The Web Explorer shows me the login form, and then the authorization form. When I tap "Authorize access", it redirects me to a 404 page.

I don't know why, it always worked before.

EDIT: OK, this works in Google Chrome. It gives me a 404 at the end but the code is in the browser URI.

EDIT 2: It works in Firefox too! But not in Internet Explorer. Google has modified something that doesn't fit IE! As it is IE in Windows Phone, I'm out of luck.

EDIT 3: This is the URL from Windows Phone IE during the process:*clientID*&approval_prompt=force&scope=*clientID*&hl=fr-FR&from_login=1&as=-f41460280d51b31&ltmpl=embedded&shdf=Cp8BCxIRdGhpcmRQYXJ0eUxvZ29VcmwaAAwLEhV0aGlyZFBhcnR5RGlzcGxheU5hbWUaGkFuYWx5dGljcyBmb3IgV2luZG93c1Bob25lDAsSBmRvbWFpbhoaQW5hbHl0aWNzIGZvciBXaW5kb3dzUGhvbmUMCxIVdGhpcmRQYXJ0eURpc3BsYXlUeXBlGhJOQVRJVkVfQVBQTElDQVRJT04MEgNsc28iFJZQrUSzSBUX1XVpZxx-K_xFjAA7KAEyFBX1s-5Zjlet_038EBgHpUrtzMWT&scc=1*clientID*&hl=fr-FR&from_login=1&as=-f41460280d51b31&shdf=Cp8BCxIRdGhpcmRQYXJ0eUxvZ29VcmwaAAwLEhV0aGlyZFBhcnR5RGlzcGxheU5hbWUaGkFuYWx5dGljcyBmb3IgV2luZG93c1Bob25lDAsSBmRvbWFpbhoaQW5hbHl0aWNzIGZvciBXaW5kb3dzUGhvbmUMCxIVdGhpcmRQYXJ0eURpc3BsYXlUeXBlGhJOQVRJVkVfQVBQTElDQVRJT04MEgNsc28iFJZQrUSzSBUX1XVpZxx-K_xFjAA7KAEyFBX1s-5Zjlet_038EBgHpUrtzMWT&service=lso&ltmpl=embedded&fss=1*clientID*&hl=fr-FR&from_login=1&as=-f41460280d51b31&pli=1&auth=DQAAAIMAAAAw6WtQDD3JKEg_qAs6neUVzWA5ixsW0ido7pIOrK5KRLnHA-_QQhVd7RzSelpNhkhCVJxVGSEgQpZINeKa29lwivfu-Rbu-vuM1uR4U-JC3EJZEwDMIMuva19_KNsd83ihmeYcuGbnBvUR5iln1KhZZIvhUkbS9CjVwLRdwbMRG5nRHO-oJruBkuezuntX8Iw*clientID*&hl=fr-FR&from_login=1&as=-f41460280d51b31&pli=1

404 error ->

On Chrome, same URIs, but when I click on "Authorize", I get localhost with the code for the token.


I believe in WP, embedded IE webview has javascript disabled by default. There's a simple webview API call to enable JS before starting the webview. At this point, we can only reproduce this bug in browsers that do not execute JS.

More specifically, see: on how to enable JS.


We've identified an issue with our server that we hope to fix soon for the way we report an error when JS is not enabled on the client.

Clients that do not have javascript enabled will not be able to submit the OAuth approval form going forward. The error you're seeing, with the 302 to the 404 is a redirect bug in our error page that explains this requirement.

In addition, we have tested windows phone 7 IE on our page and recreated your issue. At this point we assume is related to JS in the client. We're looking into this and hope to have a fix soon.

