I am using very simple type-level naturals generated with the singletons package. I am now trying to add an Ord instance to them.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TemplateHaskell, KindSignatures, DataKinds, ScopedTypeVariables, GADTs, TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances, InstanceSigs #-}
module Functions where
import Data.Singletons
import Data.Singletons.TH
import Data.Singletons.Prelude
import Data.Promotion.Prelude
singletons [d|
data Nat = Z | S Nat
deriving Eq
instance Ord Nat where
(<=) Z _ = True
(<=) (S _) Z = False
(<=) (S n) (S m) = n <= m
I have been hitting one error after the other. The latest one is:
Couldn't match kind ‘Nat’ with ‘*’
When matching types
n0 :: Nat
t1 :: *
Expected type: Sing t1
Actual type: Sing n0
Relevant bindings include
n_a9na :: Sing n0 (bound at src/Functions.hs:10:1)
lambda :: Sing n0 -> Sing m0 -> Sing (Apply (Apply (:<=$) t00) t10)
(bound at src/Functions.hs:10:1)
In the second argument of ‘applySing’, namely ‘n_a9na’
In the first argument of ‘applySing’, namely
‘applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:<=$)) (%:<=)) n_a9na’
Could not deduce (SOrd 'KProxy) arising from a use of ‘%:<=’
from the context (t00 ~ 'S n)
bound by a pattern with constructor
SS :: forall (z_a9mg :: Nat) (n_a9mh :: Nat).
(z_a9mg ~ 'S n_a9mh) =>
Sing n_a9mh -> Sing z_a9mg,
in an equation for ‘%:<=’
at src/Functions.hs:(10,1)-(18,15)
or from (t10 ~ 'S n1)
bound by a pattern with constructor
SS :: forall (z_a9mg :: Nat) (n_a9mh :: Nat).
(z_a9mg ~ 'S n_a9mh) =>
Sing n_a9mh -> Sing z_a9mg,
in an equation for ‘%:<=’
at src/Functions.hs:(10,1)-(18,15)
or from (t00 ~ Apply SSym0 n0, t10 ~ Apply SSym0 m0)
bound by the type signature for
lambda_a9n9 :: (t00 ~ Apply SSym0 n0, t10 ~ Apply SSym0 m0) =>
Sing n0 -> Sing m0 -> Sing (Apply (Apply (:<=$) t00) t10)
at src/Functions.hs:(10,1)-(18,15)
In the second argument of ‘singFun2’, namely ‘(%:<=)’
In the first argument of ‘applySing’, namely
‘singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:<=$)) (%:<=)’
In the first argument of ‘applySing’, namely
‘applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:<=$)) (%:<=)) n_a9na’
Does anyone have an idea what the correct way to do this is?
I'm not sure why this is failing. I am equally puzzled by a similar failure I get when implementing compare
instead, and even more puzzled by the failure I get when trying the (seemingly simple)
singletons [d| data Nat = Z | S Nat deriving (Eq,Ord) |]
My guess is that something in Ord
is off... However, this works. I'm gonna try to take a look at the guts of singleton
singletons [d|
data Nat = Z | S Nat
deriving (Eq)
instance Ord Nat where
compare = compare'
compare' :: Nat -> Nat -> Ordering
compare' Z Z = EQ
compare' (S _) Z = GT
compare' Z (S _) = LT
compare' (S n) (S m) = compare' n m
By the way, I'm using GHC 8.0 here.
After poking around in singletons
, I've found the real source of problems (and been blown away with how much type-level hackery is possible). Using -ddump-splices
from GHC I was able to get the actual Haskell code generated (for the initial code in your question). The offending parts were
instance PEq (Proxy :: Proxy Nat_a7Vb) where
type (:==) (a_a8Rs :: Nat_a7Vb) (b_a8Rt :: Nat_a7Vb) = Equals_1627424016_a8Rr a_a8Rs b_a8Rt
instance POrd (Proxy :: Proxy Nat_a7Vb) where
type (:<=) (a_aa9e :: Nat_a7Vb) (a_aa9f :: Nat_a7Vb) = Apply (Apply TFHelper_1627428966Sym0 a_aa9e) a_aa9f
Compiling the code generated, I received the slightly more useful error message for both of these
Expecting one more argument to ‘Proxy’
Expected kind ‘Proxy Nat_a7Vb’, but ‘Proxy’ has kind ‘k0 -> *’
pertaining to the (Proxy :: Proxy Nat_a7Vb)
in the PEq
and POrd
classes. That won't compile without -XPolyKinds. Checked the repo for singletons
and indeed it tells you that you need -XTypeInType
enabled, which in turn enables -XPolyKinds
So, there is no bug, you just need to add either PolyKinds
or TypeInType
(I recommend the latter, since that is what the package recommends...) to your LANGUAGE
pragmas to get everything to work.
Working with lifted Boolean relations is never comfortable. Booleans erase the very information you're interested in learning, leaving you in the lurch when you want to do anything with the result of your test. Just say no, kids.
There's a better way. "n
is less-than-or-equal to m
" is a proposition which can be proved with information-rich evidence. One way of proving that one number is less than another is by giving (a singleton representation of) their difference:
data LE n m where
LE :: Natty z -> LE n (n :+ z)
We can come up with a procedure for testing whether a given number is less than another. le
attempts to subtract n
from m
, and either fails and returns Nothing
or produces their difference, as a Natty
, and a proof that the subtraction is correct, packed up in the LE
le :: Natty n -> Natty m -> Maybe (LE n m)
le Zy m = Just (LE m)
le (Sy n) (Sy m) = fmap (\(LE z) -> LE z) (le n m)
le _ _ = Nothing
This idea can be generalised to give us a "strongly-typed compare
". When comparing two numbers, you'll either learn that they're equal, or that one is less than the other. (Either (LE n m) (LE m n)
also does the job, but this version is slightly more precise.)
data Compare n m where
LT :: Natty z -> Compare n (n :+ S z)
EQ :: Compare n n
GT :: Natty z -> Compare (m :+ S z) m
compare :: Natty n -> Natty m -> Compare n m
compare Zy Zy = EQ
compare Zy (Sy m) = LT m
compare (Sy n) Zy = GT n
compare (Sy n) (Sy m) = case compare n m of
LT z -> LT z
EQ -> EQ
GT z -> GT z
(I lifted this from Hasochism.)
Note that, unlike le
, compare
is total. It'll always give you a result: every number is either less than, equal to, or greater than every other number. Our goal was to write a procedure to test which of two numbers was smaller, but we also found ourselves proving that numbers are totally ordered, and writing a type-safe subtraction routine, all in the same function.
Another way of looking at compare
is as a view over pairs of natural numbers. When you compare two numbers, you learn which one was less and by how much, refining your knowledge of the numbers themselves. Agda's dot-patterns have good support for this notion of refinement:
compare : (n m : Nat) -> Compare n m
compare zero zero = eq
compare zero (suc m) = lt m
compare (suc n) zero = gt n
compare (suc n) (suc m) with compare n m
-- see how matching on `lt` refines `m` to `n + suc z`
compare (suc n) (suc .(n + suc z)) | lt z = lt z
compare (suc m) (suc .m) | eq = eq
-- likewise matching on `gt` refines `n` to `m + suc z`
compare (suc .(m + suc z)) (suc m) | gt z = gt z
Anyway, I can't speak to the source of your singletons
bug directly, but one reason Ord
is kinda difficult to work with for singleton values is that it assumes you're comparing values of the same type:
class Ord a where
compare :: a -> a -> Ordering
When you're comparing two singletons, they generally won't have the same type! That's the whole point of singletons: their type reflects their value directly. If you have two Natty n
values (whose n
s match) there's not much point in comparing them, since you already know they're equal; and if they're not equal you can't compare them!
It's eminently reasonable that classes like Ord
, which were designed in the simply-typed world, won't necessarily be all that useful in dependently-typed programs. If you're using dependent types, the right way to do it is not to abuse the old tools. Usher in this new world of safe, information-rich programming with open arms!