I have a Django ModelForm which exposes a multiple choice field corresponding to a many-to-many relation through a model which holds order
of selection (a list of documents) as an extra attribute. At the front-end, the field is displayed as two multiple select fields similar to that in admin, one to list available choices and the other holds the selected elements.
The form can be saved with the correct selection of elements but they are always in the order of the original order of choices, not the selection. The browser sends the selection in correct order, but order in form.cleaned_data['documents']
is always the order in original order of choices.
How can I make the MultipleChoiceField respect the order of elements selected?
There is no simple way. You either need to override the clean
method of the MultipleChoiceField
or, as you mentioned in your comment, use the getlist to re-order them manually. It probably depends how often in your code do you need to do it.
The clean
method of MultipleChoiceField
creates a QuerySet
that you are receiving, by filtering an object list through the IN
operator like this, so the order is given by the database:
qs = self.queryset.filter(**{'%s__in' % key: value})
You can inherit from ModelMultipleChoiceField
class OrderedModelMultipleChoiceField(ModelMultipleChoiceField):
def clean(self, value):
qs = super(OrderedModelMultipleChoiceField, self).clean(value)
return sorted(qs, lambda a,b: sorted(qs, key=lambda x:value.index(x.pk)))
The drawback is that the returned value is no longer a QuerySet
but an ordinary list.
To return an ordered QuerySet when overriding the clean method you could also do this:
class OrderedModelMultipleChoiceField(ModelMultipleChoiceField):
def clean(self, value):
qs = super(OrderedModelMultipleChoiceField, self).clean(value)
clauses = ' '.join(['WHEN id=%s THEN %s' % (pk, i) for i, pk in enumerate(value)])
return qs.filter(pk__in=value).extra(
select={'ordering': 'CASE %s END' % clauses},
I did it via a Widget. The benefit of it is, it will sort properly in different languages:
class SortedSelectMultiple(SelectMultiple):
def render_options(self, selected_choices):
self.choices = sorted(self.choices)
self.choices.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
return super(SortedSelectMultiple, self).render_options(selected_choices)