Bounded tabling

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-10 15:32:49


Quite recently, I started playing around with tabling in Prolog; some experiments that I did with b-prolog and xsb can be found in this question.

With the tables getting bigger and bigger, I realized that I needed to find some tabling options / parameters that would allow me to limit the amount of memory dedicated to tabling.

So far, I didn't find anything suitable in the manuals of yap, b-prolog and xsb.

Could you please pinpoint me to some useful information?


In the case of YAP, there are some publications that go into detail in the tabling implementation. One of the most relevant ones is likely Mode-Directed Tabling and Applications in the YapTab System:

I have some of this paper examples adapted in Logtalk (I'm in same research group - CRACS - as the authors):

(see code starting at line 63).

At the CRACS website ( you can fine several other papers on tabling.

