$rootScope.$broadcast not working

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-10 15:28:02


I am trying to get $rootScope.$broadcast to refresh my view. The service is-

var app = angular.module("productsApp", [])
    .service("serviceProvider", function ($http) {
        this.getDatas = function getDatas(data) {
            return $http({
                method: 'POST', url: serviceUrl + '/GetProductsByCategoryOrName', headers: {
                    'Authorization': apiKey
                data: data
        return this
    }).factory("sharedService", function ($rootScope) {

        var mySharedService = {};

        mySharedService.values = [];

        mySharedService.passData = function (newData) {
            mySharedService.values = newData;
            $rootScope.$broadcast('dataPassed', newData);

        return mySharedService;

Invoking through controller-

function searchProductsController($scope, $window, serviceProvider, sharedService) {
    $scope.submit = function () {
        var data = { "query": $scope.searchText, "categoryId": "976759", "pageIndex": 0, "sortDirection": "asc" };
        serviceProvider.getDatas(data).then(function (response) {
            var result = response;

here in this controller sharedService.passData which passes new array to service method. Then it is trying to broadcast it for the changes with the line- $rootScope.$broadcast('dataPassed', newData)

I don't know why it is not broadcasting the changes to view. Is there any other way to broadcast the changes?

Note- My earlier question How to transfer data between controllers couldn't get me any help.


So far I've changed in the listeners-

mySharedService.passData = function (newData) {
    $rootScope.$broadcast('dataPassed', newData)
$rootScope.$on('dataPassed', function (newData) {
    mySharedService.values = newData;

But still can't get refreshed view.


When you use $broadcast or $emit. You should have $scope.$on to listen to that event.

$scope.$on('dataPassed', function(){ //code go here });

Edit: Update working code for question requirement

var app = angular.module("productsApp", [])
    .service("serviceProvider", function ($http) {
        this.getDatas = function getDatas(data) {
            return $http({
                method: 'POST', url: serviceUrl + '/GetProductsByCategoryOrName', headers: {
                    'Authorization': apiKey
                data: data
        return this
    }).factory("sharedService", ['$rootScope', function ($rootScope) {
        var mySharedService = {
            values: [],
            setValues: function(data){
                    mySharedService.values.length = 0;
        return mySharedService;
function GetController($scope, serviceProvider, sharedService, $rootScope) {
    var shareData = sharedService;
    $scope.products = sharedService.values;
    $scope.shareData = sharedService;
    var data = { "query": "grocery", "categoryId": "976759", "pageIndex": 0, "sortDirection": "asc" };
    serviceProvider.getDatas(data).then(function (response) {
function searchProductsController($scope, $window, serviceProvider, sharedService, $rootScope) {
    $scope.submit = function () {
        var data = { "query": $scope.searchText, "categoryId": "976759", "pageIndex": 0, "sortDirection": "asc" };
        serviceProvider.getDatas(data).then(function (response) {


You should have put a listeners to listen to the broadbasted event. Broadcasted event would not directly update your view data directly on view html. You have to use $on over scope to bind events on scope. Inside a callback function of it. You would get an benefit to get broadcasted data & re assign that retrieve data to scope variable again to get updated binding.


var app = angular.module("productsApp", [])
  .service("serviceProvider", function($http) {
  this.getDatas = function getDatas(data) {
    return $http({
      method: 'POST',
      url: serviceUrl + '/GetProductsByCategoryOrName',
      headers: {
        'Authorization': apiKey
      data: data
  return this;
}).factory("sharedService", ['$rootScope', function($rootScope) {

  var mySharedService = {};

  mySharedService.values = [];

  mySharedService.passData = function(newData) {
    mySharedService.values = newData;
    $rootScope.$broadcast('dataPassed', newData)

  return mySharedService;

function GetController($scope, serviceProvider, sharedService, $rootScope) {
  var data = {
    "query": "grocery",
    "categoryId": "976759",
    "pageIndex": 0,
    "sortDirection": "asc"
  serviceProvider.getDatas(data).then(function(response) {
  //listener should register when controller loads
  $scope.$on('dataPassed', function(event, newData) {
    sharedService.values = newData;
    $scope.products = sharedService.values;

function searchProductsController($scope, $window, serviceProvider, sharedService, $rootScope) {
    $scope.submit = function() {
      var data = {
        "query": $scope.searchText,
        "categoryId": "976759",
        "pageIndex": 0,
        "sortDirection": "asc"
      serviceProvider.getDatas(data).then(function(response) {
        var result = response;
    //listener should register when controller loads
    $scope.$on('dataPassed', function(event, newData) {
      sharedService.values = newData;


You should listen what you are broadcasting :

$rootScope.$on('dataPassed', function(data){

This reference may help : Why do we use $rootScope.$broadcast in AngularJS?


@Manoz as for you previous answer also, i had given you the answer. I have updated the plunker for that as well. And as for using $rootscope., you have 2 params, in which one is event and the next is the data you are broadcasting. I have mocked your api call in both the answers to make you more understand.

Here is plunker using $rootscope:http://plnkr.co/edit/MBzDMRll5Z4CjusY5QLN?p=preview


      <title>Angular JS Controller</title>
      <script src = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.14/angular.min.js"></script>

      <h2>AngularJS Sample Application</h2>

      <div ng-app = "app" >

           <div ng-controller="searchProductsController">
             <input ng-model="searchText"/>
                <button ng-click="setPlace(searchText)">Enter Search id</button>
            <div ng-controller="GetController">
              <div ng-repeat="product in products">

         var app = angular.module('app', []);
         app.run(['$rootScope', function($rootScope){
              $rootScope.test = 123;

        app.factory("Service", function ($rootScope) {
            function passData(newData) {
              alert('i am here');
               $rootScope.$broadcast('dataPassed', newData);
            return {
                passData: passData
        }).factory("dataService",function($http){//mock for getting values from api
            getComments:function (roomid){
                     var data = [{"name":"alex","place":"kathmandu"},{"name":"god","place":"seattle"}];
                     return data;
                     var newdata = [{"name":"newname","place":"kathmandu"},{"name":"newname2","place":"seattle"}];
                     return newdata;
        app.controller('searchProductsController',function($scope, Service,$http,dataService) {
            $scope.setPlace = function (searchText) {
                var newdata = dataService.getComments(searchText);
        .controller('GetController',function($scope, Service,$rootScope) {
          $rootScope.$on('dataPassed', function (event,args) {
                $scope.products = args;



You've made a very little, but very effective, mistake. Change your listener from this:

$rootScope.$on('dataPassed', function (newData) {
    mySharedService.values = newData;

To this:

$rootScope.$on('dataPassed', function ($event, newData) {
    mySharedService.values = newData;

On any AngularJS scope event dispatched, the first argument for every listener is one $event object.

I'm surprised that one old question, with this many answers, haven't noticed the real issue.

