What are modern approaches for Reliable multicasting in Java world?
Searching the Web, I've came up with JGroups and JRMS. JGroups seem to be an overkill in my situation (I want to have a set of identical nodes which cooperate together and make them able to join this group by notifying every existing node). JRMS looks like being already dead.
I was unable to find any particular implementation of PGM protocol for Java.
Have a look a jmdns which implements Zeroconf (Apple Bonjour) in pure Java.
Very useful if you just want to know who else is out there, and let them know about you.
Hazelcast says it supports messaging, amongst other things (distributed maps etc)
It is used as library in other distributed Java applications such as OrientDB, Apache Camel, and has plugins for Java Application Servers, such as Tomcat Session Replication.