I am trying to use aleagpu but I get the System.TypeInitializationException. I have tried to google what the problem is but I couldn't find any solution, so please help. The program is the simplest possible:
class Klazz
private const int N = 100;
private const int Length = 10000000;
var gpu = Gpu.Default;// here is the Exception thrown
public static void Unmanaged()
var data = new int[Length];
for (var k = 0; k < N; k++)
gpu.For(0, data.Length, i => data[i] += 1);
I am imagining that there is something wrong in my installation, because the program is a copied example from aleagpu's homepage.
My system is:
- Windows 10
- .NET v4.5.2
- VS 2015 Community NVIDIA GPU computing toolkit CUDA v8.0
Alea is installed from NuGet November 9. 2016
- Alea (3.0.1)
- Alea.IL (
- Alea.CUDA (
- Alea.CUDA.IL (
- Alea.CUDA.Unbound (
The variables in PATH is correct.
I have tried the AleaSample.CS.ParallelForAutoMemMgt as well with the same result.
It turns out that aleagpu is written in F#, and when you install FSharp.Core the program works. Thanks to Ghosthack answering the question: Alea GPU Tutorial not compiling on VS 2015 Update 2 with FSharp.Core
Also, please make sure that you either install version 2.2 or version 3.x. For the new version 3.x you only need to install the Alea or the Alea.Fody package [https://www.nuget.org/packages/Alea/3.0.1][1] and do not mix with the 2.2 packages.