I test .net core on different OSs and I'd like to know if it's possible to install dotnet/cli (.net Core) on Windows 10 iot over my Raspberry PI3. My objective would be ro run simple GPIO tests.
What I do so far :
- I went on the .NET core site and do not find anything about Windows 10 iot target.
- I found a nice blog post titled How to run .NET Core Application on Pi2 - Win10 IoT Core? but it use DNVM which seems to be obsolete, and I don't read anything about Windows 10 iot target in the sites that are supposed to replace it.
Do I miss something ? is it too early to do that ?
PS : I push an issue in dotnet/cli issues in GitHub.
2017-04-19 : The process is now in progress have a look to .NET Core on Raspberry Pi
Short answer, it's not in yet.
During the development of .net core, various people have managed to hack bits together to get it running on all sorts of stuff. But Win10 IoT and other ARM devices, have never got to the "officially supported" level.
Arm32 builds are available as community supported builds for .NET Core 2.0. There is no SDK that runs on ARM32 but you can publish an application that will run on a Raspberry Pi. look to .NET Core on Raspberry Pi.
.net Core is available on ARM: https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/dotnet/articles/core/ An UWP app for example runs on .net Core. Here is a link to the cli doc: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/articles/core/tools/