In the below code, the compiler can't figure out which constructor I want to use. Why, and how do I fix this? (Live example)
#include <tuple>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
template<typename data_type, typename eval_type, typename Type1, typename Type2>
class A
using a_type = std::tuple<Type1, Type2>;
using b_type = std::tuple<std::size_t,std::size_t>;
inline explicit constexpr A(const std::function<data_type(a_type)>& Initializer,
const std::function<eval_type(data_type)>& Evaluator,
const Type1& elem1, const Type2& elem2)
std::cout << "idx_type" << std::endl;
inline explicit constexpr A(const std::function<data_type(b_type)>& Initializer,
const std::function<eval_type(data_type)>& Evaluator,
const Type1& elem1, const Type2& elem2)
std::cout << "point_type" << std::endl;
int main()
int a = 1;
long long b = 2;
auto c = A<double, double, long long, int>{
[](std::tuple<long long,int> p)->double { return 1.0*std::get<0>(p) / std::get<1>(p); },
[](double d)->double { return d; }, b,a
return 0;
As @SombreroChicken mentioned, std::function<R(Args...)>
has a constructor that allows any callable object c
to initialize it, as long as c(Args...)
is valid and returns something convertible to R
To fix it, you may use some SFINAE machinery
#include <tuple>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
template<typename data_type, typename Type1, typename Type2>
class A
template<typename T>
struct tag
operator T();
using a_type = std::tuple<Type1, Type2>;
using b_type = std::tuple<std::size_t,std::size_t>;
template<typename C, std::enable_if_t<std::is_invocable_v<C, tag<b_type>>>* = nullptr>
A(C&& initializer)
std::cout << "size_t" << std::endl;
template<typename C, std::enable_if_t<std::is_invocable_v<C, tag<a_type>>>* = nullptr>
A(C&& initializer)
std::cout << "other" << std::endl;
int main()
auto c = A<double, long long, int>{
[](std::tuple<long long, int> p) -> double { return 1; }
auto c2 = A<double, long long, int>{
[](std::tuple<std::size_t, std::size_t>) -> double { return 2; }
Here, we turn off the constructor if the callable can be called with b_type
or a_type
respectively. The extra indirection through tag
is there to disable the conversion between tuples of different types
The reason it doesn't work is because a lambda is not a std::function
and so the compiler tries to create one using the fifth overload of the constructor. The problem is that both of your A
constructors can be used because of this conversion and the reason that std::tuple<long long,int>
and std::tuple<std::size_t,std::size_t>
are constructible from each other makes this ambigious for the compiler what constructor to pick.
What you could do is explicitly cast to the desired std::function
(MCVE of @PasserBy used in comments), like this:
#include <tuple>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
template<typename data_type, typename Type1, typename Type2>
class A
using a_type = std::tuple<Type1, Type2>;
using b_type = std::tuple<std::size_t,std::size_t>;
A(const std::function<data_type(a_type)>&)
std::cout << "idx_type" << std::endl;
A(const std::function<data_type(b_type)>&)
std::cout << "point_type" << std::endl;
int main()
std::function<double(std::tuple<long long, int>)> func = [](auto p) -> double { return 1; };
auto c = A<double, long long, int>{