I have not understood the code and the way function is handled..
can you elaborate the function declaration
fun = @(img) susanFun(img);
map = nlfilter(img,maskSz,fun);
Also in susan corner detector we have only 2 threshold values.. "t and g".. but here we have "thGeo,thGeo1,thGeo2,thT,thT1"
I am not able to understand the method employed here:
function [ map r c ] = susanCorner( img )
%SUSAN Corner detection using SUSAN method.
% [R C] = SUSAN(IMG) Rows and columns of corner points are returned.
maskSz = [7 7];
fun = @(img) susanFun(img);
map = nlfilter(img,maskSz,fun);
[r c] = find(map);
function res = susanFun(img)
% SUSANFUN Determine if the center of the image patch IMG
% is corner(res = 1) or not(res = 0)
mask = [...
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0];
% uses 2 thresholds to distinguish corners from edges
thGeo = (nnz(mask)-1)*.2;
thGeo1 = (nnz(mask)-1)*.4;
thGeo2 = (nnz(mask)-1)*.4;
thT = .07;
thT1 = .04;
sz = size(img,1);
usan = ones(sz)*img(round(sz/2),round(sz/2));
similar = (abs(usan-img)<thT);
similar = similar.*mask;
res = sum(similar(:));
if res < thGeo
dark = nnz((img-usan<-thT1).*mask);
bright = nnz((img-usan>thT1).*mask);
res = min(dark,bright)<thGeo1 && max(dark,bright)>thGeo2;
res = 0;
fun = @(img) susanFun(img);
map = nlfilter(img,maskSz,fun);
is a handle (or pointer) to a function.@(img)
takes an argument calledimg
is the body offun
is passed the function handle fun
and can call it.
In fact, it will apply fun
with the parameter img
as each 7x7 sliding block of the image img
Note that the name img
is overloaded here: it is name name of a variable holding an image, and it is the name of the parameter of fun
See function_handle (@)