I'm trying to discover devices, from a coordinator, in my network. So I sent an ND command to the coordinator and I'm correctly receiving response from other Xbee.
The next step will be to store the information I've received in a web application, in oder to send commands and data.
However, what I'm still missing is some parts in the frame respose. So far I've mapped the frame like this:
1 7E start frame
===== =================== MESSAGE LENGHT
2-3 0x00 0x19 -> 25
===== =================== PACKET TYPE
4 88 -> response to a remote AT command
5 02 frame ID
===== =================== AT COMMAND
6-7 0x4E 0x44 "ND"
8 00 status byte (00 -> OK)
===== =================== MY - Remote Address
9-10 0x17 0x85
===== =================== SH - SERIAL NUMBER HIGH
11-14 0x00 0x13 0xA2 0x00
===== =================== SL - SERIAL NUMBER LOW
15-18 0x40 0xB4 0x50 0x23
===== =================== SIGNAL
19 20
= ======== NI - Node Identifier
20 00
21 FF
22 FE
23 01
24 00
25 C1
26 05
27 10
28 1E
===== ===== CHECKSUM (25th bytes from MESSAGE LENGHT)
29 19
So, where I can find in this response the address of the device ? My guess is in the NI part of the message but, I haven't find any example/information of how the data are organised.
Could someone point me in the right direction?
As someone told me in the dig.com forum
NI<CR> (Variable length)
DEVICE_TYPE (1 Byte: 0=Coord, 1=Router, 2=End Device)
STATUS (1 Byte: Reserved)
PROFILE_ID (2 Bytes)
So, loking to my frame response:
00 --- Node Identifier variable, (here 1 byte = 00 because no value is set up).
FFFE --- parent network address (2 bytes)
01 --- device type
00 --- status
C105 --- profile id
101E --- manufacturing id
This, afaik, means that in this last part of the frame, no information about address of the device are given. Only information are the SL and SH.
The 16-bit network address is what you've labeled "MY" (0x1785), and the 64-bit MAC address is the combination of SH/SL (00 13 A2 00 40 B4 50 23).