I've tried to set it's global size using this code:
-(void)setOption {
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSDictionary *olddict = [defaults persistentDomainForName:@"com.apple.universalaccess"];
NSMutableDictionary *newdict = [olddict mutableCopy];
[newdict setObject:@4.0 forKey:@"mouseDriverCursorSize"];
[defaults setPersistentDomain:newdict forName:@"com.apple.universalaccess"];
[defaults synchronize];
NSLog(@"Cursor size set to %@", newdict);
And I can see in the NSLog that it changed it but I don't know how to restart/reset the system cursor in order for the cursor to change to the specified size.
Does anybody know a better way to change it's size programmatically or how to restart the system cursor after the defaults change?
EDIT(about duplication): My question is unique because I can't use applescript in resolving this like the answer provided in the other topic. Also the topic has been created in 2013, and seems outdated. Maybe things have changed a little since then. Also maybe Swift would be a viable solution for resolving this. Who knows? All these arguments make it clear that this is not a duplicate question.
CGError state = CGSShowCursor(CGSDefaultConnection) ;
if (state != kCGErrorSuccess) NSLOG(@"error : %d",state);
maybe try it with CGSShowCursor(CGSMainConnectionID())
This might also help : https://github.com/alexzielenski/Mousecape/blob/1d534b1e076b07a01b80364be23c88c8439028bc/Mousecape/mousecloak/NSCursor_Private.h
Warning. This code is not based on what is saved in preferences so combine it:
float cursorScale = 2;
cursorScale = MAX(1, MIN(cursorScale,4));
int connectionID = CGSMainConnectionID();
CGSSetCursorScale(connectionID, cursorScale);
to get the size
CGSGetCursorScale(connectionID, &cursorScale);
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSDictionary *olddict = [defaults persistentDomainForName:@"com.apple.universalaccess"];
NSMutableDictionary *newdict = [olddict mutableCopy];
[newdict setObject:@4.0 forKey:@"mouseDriverCursorSize"];
[defaults setPersistentDomain:newdict forName:@"com.apple.universalaccess"];
[defaults synchronize];
NSLog(@"Cursor size set to %@", newdict);
CREDITS: Alex Zielenski