I'm using a Gdk::Pixbuf
to display an image with Gdk::Cairo
in C++ :
virtual bool on_draw(const Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context>& cr)
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> image = Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_file(filename);
Gdk::Cairo::set_source_pixbuf(cr, image, (width - image->get_width())/2, (height - image->get_height())/2);
/* other displaying stuffs */
This image is in B&W and I need to bring out some pixels whose luminance is above a certain threshold. For that, I would like to color those pixels.
First, I don't know (and I cannot find on the web) how to get the luminance of a certain pixel of my Pixbuf image.
Second, I don't find another way to draw the pixel than drawing a line of length 1 (which is kind of ugly solution).
Could you help me on this? If possible, I would like to avoid changing library...
Thank you
You can use the get pixels() function.
void access_pixel( Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> imageptr, int x, int y )
if ( !imageptr ) return;
Gdk::Pixbuf & image = *imageptr.operator->(); // just for convenience
if ( ! image.get_colorspace() == Gdk::COLORSPACE_RGB ) return;
if ( ! image.get_bits_per_sample() == 8 ) return;
if ( !( x>=0 && y>=0 && x<image.get_width() && y<image.get_height() ) ) return;
int offset = y*image.get_rowstride() + x*image.get_n_channels();
guchar * pixel = &image.get_pixels()[ offset ]; // get pixel pointer
if ( pixel[0]>128 ) pixel[1] = 0; // conditionally modify the green channel
queue_draw(); // redraw after modify