spring data jpa 1.4.3 with Oracle 11g.
I have an entity like this:
class LinkRecord {
String value;
int linkType;
I am using (value, linkType) as a composite index. For a given list of (v, t) tuples, we need to select all the records in the DB so that value = v, linkType = t.
Basically, I want to build this query:
SELECT * FROM LINK_RECORD WHERE (VALUE, LINK_TYPE) IN (('value1', 0), ('value2', 25), ...)
where the list in the IN clause is passed in as a param.
Since we're working with a large volume of data, it would be very undesirable to query for the tuples one by one.
In my repository I've tried this:
@Query("select r from LinkRecord r where (r.value, r.linkType) in :keys")
List<LinkRecord> findByValueAndType(@Param("keys")List<List<Object>> keys);
where keys is a list of (lists of length 2). This gets me ORA_00920: invalid relational operator.
Is there any way to make this work using a named query? Or do I have to resort to native sql?
Thanks for your help.
The answer is too late, but maybe some1 else has the same problem. This is one of my working examples. Here I need to search for all entries that match a given composite key:
The entity....
@NamedQuery(name = "Article.findByIdAndAccessId", query = "SELECT a FROM Article a WHERE a.articlePk IN (:articlePks) ORDER BY a.articlePk.article")
@Table(name = "ARTICLE")
public class Article implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private ArticlePk articlePk = new ArticlePk();
@Column(name = "art_amount")
private Float amount;
@Column(name = "art_unit")
private String unit;
public Article()
//more code
The PK class....
public class ArticlePk implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@Column(name = "art_article")
private String article;
@Column(name = "art_acc_identifier")
private Long identifier;
public ArticlePk()
public ArticlePk(String article, Long identifier)
this.article = article;
this.identifier = identifier;
public boolean equals(Object other)
if (this == other)
return true;
if (!(other instanceof ArticlePk))
return false;
ArticlePk castOther = (ArticlePk)other;
return this.article.equals(castOther.article) && this.identifier.equals(castOther.identifier);
public int hashCode()
final int prime = 31;
int hash = 17;
hash = hash * prime + this.article.hashCode();
hash = hash * prime + this.identifier.hashCode();
return hash;
//more code
Invocation by....
TypedQuery<Article> queryArticle = entityManager.createNamedQuery("Article.findByIdAndAccessId", Article.class);
queryArticle.setParameter("articlePks", articlePks);
List<Article> articles = queryArticle.getResultList();
is List<ArticlePk>