Create a column with varchar(max) rather than varchar(8000)

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-10 02:17:36


How can I create a column in a table and specify it as varchar(max) when using servicestack ormlite?

Currently I execute some sql after the table create to get what I want. I've seen the StringLength attribute but was wondering if there's a nicer way of doing it?

Something like




Worked around the issue by doing the following

 if (!db.TableExists(typeof(Entity).Name))
   db.ExecuteSql("ALTER TABLE Entity ALTER COLUMN Column VARCHAR(MAX)");


Decorate your domain model with System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.StringLengthAttribute

such as

public string Markdown { get;set; }


public string Markdown { get;set; }

using any length greater than 8000 to exceed to maximum length of Sql Server varchar/nvarchar column types that required the MAX declaration.

Use a custom dialect provider the understands the MAX declaration.

public class MaxSqlProvider : SqlServerOrmLiteDialectProvider
  public new static readonly MaxSqlProvider Instance = new MaxSqlProvider ();

  public override string GetColumnDefinition(string fieldName, Type fieldType, 
            bool isPrimaryKey, bool autoIncrement, bool isNullable, 
            int? fieldLength, int? scale, string defaultValue)
     var fieldDefinition = base.GetColumnDefinition(fieldName, fieldType,
                                    isPrimaryKey, autoIncrement, isNullable, 
                                    fieldLength, scale, defaultValue);

     if (fieldType == typeof (string) && fieldLength > 8000)
       var orig = string.Format(StringLengthColumnDefinitionFormat, fieldLength);
       var max = string.Format(StringLengthColumnDefinitionFormat, "MAX");

       fieldDefinition = fieldDefinition.Replace(orig, max);

     return fieldDefinition;

Use the provider when you construct the database factory

var dbFactory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(conStr, MaxSqlProvider.Instance);

Note this illustration is specifically targeting SqlServer but it would be relevant for other data providers with minor alterations after inheriting from the desired provider.


It appears that ServiceStack has addressed this with a feature to further customize the creation type of fields, see:

or as detailed at that link:

The [CustomField] attribute can be used for specifying custom field declarations in the generated Create table DDL statements, e.g.:

public class PocoTable
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string CharColumn { get; set; }

    public decimal? DecimalColumn { get; set; }



Generates and executes the following SQL:

  "CharColumn" CHAR(20) NULL, 
  "DecimalColumn" DECIMAL(18,4) NULL 

Again however, as per my comment o one of the previous answers, I am guessing that this is probably db-specific, sorry, I don't have easy access to several db servers to test.


The column definition of each type can be controlled using OrmLite's Type Converters where the default SqlServerStringConverters will use VARCHAR(MAX) for properties attributed with [StringLength(StringLengthAttribute.MaxText)], e.g:

public class PocoTable
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string MaxText { get; set; }

    public string SmallText { get; set; }

Using StringLengthAttribute.MaxText (or its alias int.MaxValue) will automatically use the most appropriate datatype for storing large strings in each RDBMS.

