Is there a way to tell git-status to ignore the effects of .gitignore files? [duplicate]

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-11-27 01:28:26


This question already has an answer here:

  • Git command to show which specific files are ignored by .gitignore 9 answers

I have configured numerous .gitignore files to filter out many different unwanted files from a set of about 6,000 untracked files. I want to do git add . when I've got my filtered list looking the way I want it.

But, then I want to disable the .gitignore filters temporarily to see what got left behind, and make sure there was nothing important accidentally filtered.

I know that git-clean includes an option to ignore .gitignore files. Is there a similar option for git-status?

I could go through and delete all the .gitignore files, do the check, then restore them, but it seems there should be an easier way?


Try using git ls-files --other - it should list all files that git doesn't know about; i.e. those files that aren't in the repository and aren't ignored by .gitignore.

You can also use git ls-files --ignored --exclude-standard to see what files git is explicitly ignoring.


This option --ignored does the trick:

git status --ignored

(Update 1) I found the --ignored option alone doesn't work in certain git installations, perhaps it's a git bug. In those cases, an additional -s works for me:

git status -s --ignored

(Update 2) One user reported --ignored option is not supported in git version My git version is 1.7.6. Another version is the one that requires -s. You may try

git status -h

to see if --ignored is supported.


git clean -dXn

See: Git command to show which specific files are ignored by .gitignore

In fact this question seems to be a duplicate!

