How to include a javascript in Asciidoc?

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-09 17:06:56


I'm using asciidoctor-maven-plugin to convert .adoc files to html file... Would want to include a link to javascript in the generated html file... Basically would like to see something like below in the html file that is generated from the .adoc file

<script src="custom.js"></script>

Tried setting attributes like linkcss scriptsdir etc..but of no luck...

Any help?

One way is like in

But then have to add it in every .adoc there a way to get it automatically added just like the CSS (using stylesheet)


You can use the passthrough block for that using ++++:

Content in a passthrough block is passed to the output unprocessed.
That means you can include raw HTML, like this embedded Gist:

<script src="">



Use docinfo files, see the documentation for more detail.

You create docinfo files by adding another file named <doc_file_name>-docinfo.html for HTML generation or <doc_file_name>-docinfo.xml for docbook generation. The contents of the docinfo file are copied into the generated output, in the head section for html. If you want to add things to the bottom of the document there are footer docinfo files for that. It follows the same as a normal docinfo but the file name is <doc_file_name>-docinfo-footer.html or <doc_file_name>-docinfo-footer.xml

Happy docing :) Let me, or preferably the list know of any other maven issues you find.

