Memory and unicode

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-09 15:45:30

1: Introduction

In this mission, we'll be learning about how computers store values in memory. We'll be working with a dataset of excerpts from CIA memos that detail torture and other covert activities. The dataset contains the year statements were made in CIA memos, then an excerpt from the memo. The file, sentences_cia.csv, is in csv format, and here are the first few lines:


1997,"The FBI information included that al-Mairi's brother ""traveled to Afghanistan in 1997-1998 to train in Bin - Ladencamps.""",,,
1997,"The FBI information included that al-Mairi's brother ""traveled to Afghanistan in 1997-1998 to train in Bin - Ladencamps.""",,,

The whole csv file is just one long string before we parse it and turn it into rows and columns. We've covered strings pretty extensively up until now, but we haven't dived into how they're stored by a computer. Files are stored on hard drives. Hard drives allow you to save data, turn your computer off, and then access the data again later. Hard drives are commonly referred to as magnetic storage, and they store data onto magnetic strips. Magnetic strips can only contain a series of two values, up and down. Our entire csv file is stored to a hard drive the same way. You can't directly write strings such as the letter a to a hard disk -- you have to convert them to a series of magnetic ups and downs first.

We can do this using a system called binary. In binary, the only valid numbers are 0 and 1. In our normal counting system, any digit from 0 to 9 is valid. Binary constrains the number of possible values, which means that we can easily store binary values on a hard disk.

In the next few screens, we'll learn how to convert string values to binary values, and how to manipulate binary values.

2: Intro To Binary

Computers can't directly store values like strings or integers.

Instead, they store information in binary -- the only valid numbers in binary are a 0 or a 1.

This lets data be stored on devices like hard drives -- we just learned how hard drives store data.

We normally count in base 10.

It's called base 10 because there are 10 possible digits -- 0 through 9.

Binary is base two, because there are only two possible digits - 0 and 1.

Let's explore how binary numbers work.


  • Convert the binary number"100" to a base 10 integer and ssign the result to base_10_100.

# Let's say a is a binary number.  In python, we have to store binary numbers as strings
# Trying to say b = 10 directly will assume base 10, so strings are needed
b = "10"

# We can convert b to a binary number from a string using the int function -- the optional second argument base is set to 2 (binary is base two)
print(int(b, 2))
base_10_100 = int("100", 2)

3: Binary Addition

Just like with base 10 numbers, we can add binary numbers together.


  • Add "10" (base 2) to c.

# a is in base 10 -- because we have 10 possible digits, the highest value we can represent with one digit is 9
a = 9

# When we want to represent a value one higher, we need to add another digit
a += 1
# a now has two digits -- we incremented the invisible leading digit, which was 0 and is now 1, and set the last digit back to zero.

# When we add 1 to 19, we increment the leading 1 by 1, and then set the last digit to 0, giving us 20.
a = 19
a += 1

# When we add 1 to 99, we increment the last digit by 1, and add 1 to the first digit, but the first digit is now greater than 9, so we have to increment the invisible leading digit.
a = 99
a += 1

# Binary addition works the exact same way, except the highest value any single digit can represent is 1.
b = "1"

# We'll add binary values using a binary_add function that was made just for this exercise
# It's not extremely important to know how it works right this second
def binary_add(a, b):
    return bin(int(a, 2) + int(b, 2))[2:]

c = binary_add(b, "1")

# We now see that c equals "10", which is exactly what happens in base 10 when we reach the highest possible digit.

# c now equals "11"
c = binary_add(c, "1")

# c now equals "100"
c = binary_add(c, "1")
c = binary_add(c, "10")

4: Converting Binary Values

We saw how we could convert between bases with the int() function.

Let's see what values in binary equal what values in base 10.


  • Convert "1001" to base 10 and assign the result tobase_10_1001.

def binary_add(a, b):
    return bin(int(a, 2) + int(b, 2))[2:]

# Start both at 0
a = 0
b = "0"

# Loop 10 times
for i in range(0, 10):
    # Add 1 to each
    a += 1
    b = binary_add(b, "1")

    # Check if they are equal
    print(int(b, 2) == a)

# The cool thing here is that a and b are always equal if you add the same amount to both
# This is because base 2 and base 10 are just ways to write numbers
# Counting 100 apples in base 2 or base 10 will always give you an equivalent result, you just have to convert between them
# We can represent any number in binary, we just need more digits than we would in base 10
base_10_1001 = int("1001", 2)


5: Characters To Binary

Just like how integers are stored as binary, so are strings.

Strings are split into single characters, then converted into integers, which are then converted to binary and stored.

We'll look at simple characters first -- the so called ascii characters.

These contain all the upper and lowercase english letters, all the digits, and a lot of punctuation symbols.


  • Convert "w" to binary and assign the result to binary_w.

  • Convert "}" to binary and assign the result to binary_bracket.

# We can use the ord() function to get the integer associated with an ascii character.

# Then we use the bin() function to convert to binary
# The bin function adds "0b" to the start of strings to indicate that they contain binary values

# ÿ is the "last" ascii character -- it has the highest integer value of any ascii character
# This is because 255 is the highest value that can be represented with 8 binary digits
# As you can see, we get 8 1's, which shows that this is the highest possible 8 digit value

# Why is this?  It's because a single binary digit is called a bit, and computers store values in sequences of bytes, which are 8 bits together.
# You might be more familiar with kilobytes or megabytes -- a kilobyte is 1000 bytes, and a megabyte is 1000 kilobytes.
# There are 256 different ascii symbols, because the largest amount of storage any single ascii character can take up is one byte.
binary_w = bin(ord("w"))
binary_bracket = bin(ord("}"))

6: Intro To Unicode

You might be wondering right now what happened to all of the other characters and alphabets in the world.

Because it only supports 255 characters, ascii can't deal with them, so a new standard was needed, called unicode.

Unicode assigns code points to characters. In python, these code points look like this: "\u3232".

We can use an encoding to turn these code points into binary integers.

The most common encoding for unicode is utf-8. It tells a computer which code points are associated with which integers.

utf-8 can encode values that are longer that one byte, enabling it to store all unicode characters.

utf-8 encodes characters using a variable length of bytes, which means that it also supports regular ascii characters (which are one byte each).


  • Find the binary representation of"\u1019" and assign it tobinary_1019.

# We can initialize unicode code points (the value for this code point is \u27F6, but you see it as a character because it is being automatically converted)
code_point = "⟶"

# This particular code point maps to a right arrow character

# We can get the base 10 integer value of the code point with the ord function

# As you can see, this takes up a lot more than 1 byte
code_point = "မ"
binary_1019 = bin(ord(code_point))

7: Strings With Unicode

ascii is a subset of unicode. Unicode implements all of the ascii characters, as well as the additional characters that code points allow.

This lets us create unicode strings, that have ascii and unicode characters together.

By default in python 3, all strings are unicode, and encoded with utf-8, so we can directly use unicode code points or characters.


  • Make a string with mixed unicode and ascii and assign it to s3.

s1 = "café"
# The \u prefix means "the next 4 digits are a unicode code point"
# It doesn't change the value at all (the last character in the string below is \u00e9)
s2 = "café"

# These strings are the same, because code points are equal to their corresponding unicode character.
# \u00e9 and é are equivalent.
print(s1 == s2)
s3 = "hello မ"

8: The Bytes Type

In python, there's a datatype called "bytes".

It's like a string, except it contains encoded bytes values.

When we create an object with a bytes type from a string, we specify an encoding (usually utf-8).

We can then use the .encode() method to encode the string into bytes.


  • Encode batman with the utf-8encoding and assign tobatman_bytes.

# We can make a string with some unicode values
superman = "Clark Kent␦"

# This tells python to encode the string superman into unicode using the utf-8 encoding
# We end up with a sequence of bytes instead of a string
superman_bytes = "Clark Kent␦".encode("utf-8")

batman = "Bruce Wayne␦"
batman_bytes = batman.encode("utf-8")




