Is it possible to write a query where we get all those characters that could be parsed into int from any given string?
For example we have a string like: "$%^DDFG 6 7 23 1"
Result must be "67231"
And even slight harder: Can we get only first three numbers?
This will give you your string
string result = new String("y0urstr1ngW1thNumb3rs".
Where(x => Char.IsDigit(x)).ToArray());
And for the first 3 chars use .Take(3)
before ToArray()
The following should work.
var myString = "$%^DDFG 6 7 23 1";
//note that this is still an IEnumerable object and will need
// conversion to int, or whatever type you want.
var myNumber = myString.Where(a=>char.IsNumber(a)).Take(3);
It's not clear if you want 23
to be considered a single number sequence, or 2 distinct numbers. My solution above assumes you want the final result to be 672
public static string DigitsOnly(string strRawData)
return Regex.Replace(strRawData, "[^0-9]", "");
string testString = "$%^DDFG 6 7 23 1";
string cleaned = new string(testString.ToCharArray()
.Where(c => char.IsNumber(c)).Take(3).ToArray());
If you want to use a white list (not always numbers):
char[] acceptedChars = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' };
string cleaned = new string(testString.ToCharArray()
.Where(c => acceptedChars.Contains(c)).Take(3).ToArray());
How about something like this?
var yourstring = "$%^DDFG 6 7 23 1";
var selected = yourstring.ToCharArray().Where(c=> c >= '0' && c <= '9').Take(3);
var reduced = yourstring.Where(char.IsDigit).Take(3);
private int ParseInput(string input)
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\d+");
string valueString = string.Empty;
foreach (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match in r.Matches(input))
valueString += match.Value;
return Convert.ToInt32(valueString);
And even slight harder: Can we get only first three numbers?
private static int ParseInput(string input, int take)
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\d+");
string valueString = string.Empty;
foreach (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match in r.Matches(input))
valueString += match.Value;
valueString = valueString.Substring(0, Math.Min(valueString.Length, take));
return Convert.ToInt32(valueString);
> 'string strRawData="12#$%33fgrt$%$5";
> string[] arr=Regex.Split(strRawData,"[^0-9]"); int a1 = 0;
> foreach (string value in arr) { Console.WriteLine("line no."+a1+" ="+value); a1++; }'
Output:line no.0 =12
line no.1 =
line no.2 =
line no.3 =33
line no.4 =
line no.5 =
line no.6 =
line no.7 =
line no.8 =
line no.9 =
line no.10 =5
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