How can I provide parameters for webpack html-loader interpolation?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-11-27 01:06:00


In the html-loader documentation there is this example


<#list list as list>
    <a href="${list.href!}" />${}</a>

<img src="${require(`./images/gallery.png`)}">

Where does "list" come from? How can I provide parameters to the interpolation scope?

I would like to do something like template-string-loader does:

var template = require("html?interpolate!./file.html")({data: '123'});

and then in file.html


But it doesn't work. I have try to mix the template-string-loader with the html-loader but it doesn't works. I could only use the template-string-loader but then the images in the HTML are not transformed by webpack.

Any ideas? Thank you


Solution 1

I found another solution, using html-loader with interpolate option.

{ test: /\.(html)$/,
  include: path.join(__dirname, 'src/views'),
  use: {
    loader: 'html-loader',
    options: {
      interpolate: true

And then in html page you can import partials html and javascript variables.

<!-- Importing top <head> section -->
  <!-- Importing navbar -->
  <!-- Importing variable from javascript file -->
  <!-- Importing footer -->

The only downside is that you can't import other variables from HtmlWebpackPlugin like this <%= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title %> (at least I can't find a way to import them) but for me it's not an issue, just write the title in your html or use a separate javascript file for handle variables.

Solution 2

Old answer

Not sure if this is the right solution for you but I'll share my workflow (tested in Webpack 3).

Instead of html-loader you can use this plugin

{ test: /\.ejs$/, use: 'ejs-compiled-loader' }

Change your .html files in .ejs and your HtmlWebpackPlugin to point to the right .ejs template:

new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
    template: 'src/views/index.ejs',
    filename: 'index.html',
    title: 'Home',
    chunks: ['index']

You can import partials, variables, and assets in .ejs files:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/>
  <title><%= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title %></title>


const hello = 'Hello!';
const bye = 'Bye!';

export {hello, bye}


<% include src/views/partials/head.ejs %>
  <h2><%= require("../js/ejs_variables.js").hello %></h2>

  <img src=<%= require("../../assets/sample_image.jpg") %> />

  <h2><%= require("../js/ejs_variables.js").bye %></h2>

A note, when you include a partial the path must be relative to the root of your project.


mustache-loader did the work for me:

var html = require('mustache-loader!html-loader?interpolate!./index.html')({foo:'bar'});

Then in your template you can use {{foo}}, and even insert other templates

${require('mustache-loader!html-loader?interpolate!./partial.html')({foo2: 'bar2'})}


if you use template engine from htmlWebpackPlugin in partial, you can use like this:

  <!-- index.html -->
    <div id="app"></div>
    <%= require('ejs-loader!./partial.gtm.html')({ htmlWebpackPlugin }) %>

  <!-- partial.gtm.html -->
  <% if (GTM_TOKEN) { %>
      src="<%= GTM_TOKEN %>"
  <% } %>

  // webpack.config.json
    plugins: [
      new webpack.DefinePlugin({
        GTM_TOKEN: process.env.GTM_TOKEN,

need npm i ejs-loader


You might laugh, but using default loaders provided with HTMLWebpackPlugin you could do string replacement on the HTML-partial file.

  1. index.html is ejs template (ejs is the default loader in HTMLWebpackPlugin)
  2. file.html is just an html string (loaded via html-loader also available by default with HTMLWebpackPlugin or maybe it comes with webpack?)


Just use the default ejs templating provided in HTMLWebpackPlugin

new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
    template: 'src/views/index.ejs',
    filename: 'index.html',
    title: 'Home',
    chunks: ['index'],
    templateParameters(compilation, assets, options) {
        return {
            foo: 'bar'

Here's my top level ejs file

// index.html 

<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
            var template = require("html-loader!./file.html");
        <%= template.replace('${foo}',foo) %>

Here's file.html, which html-loader exports as a string.

// file.html 



I feel that Potench's's answer above should be the accepted one, but it comes with a caveat:

Warning: the answer replaces htmlWebpackPlugin.options default object. Suggest augmenting, not replacing

function templateParametersGenerator (compilation, assets, options) {
  return {
    compilation: compilation,
    webpack: compilation.getStats().toJson(),
    webpackConfig: compilation.options,
    htmlWebpackPlugin: {
      files: assets,
      options: options,
      // your extra parameters here

Source(s): 1 - 2 -


You can make it on your own: In html-loader plugin folder (in index.js) replace code by this

	MIT License
	Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
var htmlMinifier = require("html-minifier");
var attrParse = require("./lib/attributesParser");
var loaderUtils = require("loader-utils");
var url = require("url");
var assign = require("object-assign");
var compile = require("es6-templates").compile;

function randomIdent() {
	return "xxxHTMLLINKxxx" + Math.random() + Math.random() + "xxx";

function getLoaderConfig(context) {
	var query = loaderUtils.getOptions(context) || {};
	var configKey = query.config || 'htmlLoader';
	var config = context.options && context.options.hasOwnProperty(configKey) ? context.options[configKey] : {};

	delete query.config;

	return assign(query, config);

module.exports = function(content) {
	this.cacheable && this.cacheable();
	var config = getLoaderConfig(this);
	var attributes = ["img:src"];
	if(config.attrs !== undefined) {
		if(typeof config.attrs === "string")
			attributes = config.attrs.split(" ");
		else if(Array.isArray(config.attrs))
			attributes = config.attrs;
		else if(config.attrs === false)
			attributes = [];
			throw new Error("Invalid value to config parameter attrs");
	var root = config.root;
	var links = attrParse(content, function(tag, attr) {
		var res = attributes.find(function(a) {
			if (a.charAt(0) === ':') {
				return attr === a.slice(1);
			} else {
				return (tag + ":" + attr) === a;
		return !!res;
	var data = {};
	content = [content];
	links.forEach(function(link) {
		if(!loaderUtils.isUrlRequest(link.value, root)) return;

		if (link.value.indexOf('mailto:') > -1 ) return;

		var uri = url.parse(link.value);
		if (uri.hash !== null && uri.hash !== undefined) {
			uri.hash = null;
			link.value = uri.format();
			link.length = link.value.length;

		do {
			var ident = randomIdent();
		} while(data[ident]);
		data[ident] = link.value;
		var x = content.pop();
		content.push(x.substr(link.start + link.length));
		content.push(x.substr(0, link.start));
	content = content.join("");

	if (config.interpolate === 'require'){

		var reg = /\$\{require\([^)]*\)\}/g;
		var result;
		var reqList = [];
		while(result = reg.exec(content)){
				length : result[0].length,
				start : result.index,
				value : result[0]
		content = [content];
		reqList.forEach(function(link) {
			var x = content.pop();
			do {
				var ident = randomIdent();
			} while(data[ident]);
			data[ident] = link.value.substring(11,link.length - 3)
			content.push(x.substr(link.start + link.length));
			content.push(x.substr(0, link.start));
		content = content.join("");

	if(typeof config.minimize === "boolean" ? config.minimize : this.minimize) {
		var minimizeOptions = assign({}, config);

		].forEach(function(name) {
			if(typeof minimizeOptions[name] === "undefined") {
				minimizeOptions[name] = true;

		content = htmlMinifier.minify(content, minimizeOptions);

	if(config.interpolate && config.interpolate !== 'require') {
		// Double escape quotes so that they are not unescaped completely in the template string
		content = content.replace(/\\"/g, "\\\\\"");
		content = content.replace(/\\'/g, "\\\\\'");
		content = JSON.stringify(content);
		content = '`' + content.substring(1, content.length - 1) + '`';
		//content = compile('`' + content + '`').code;
	} else {
		content = JSON.stringify(content);

    var exportsString = "module.exports = function({}){return ";
	if (config.exportAsDefault) {
        exportsString = "exports.default = function({}){return ";
	} else if (config.exportAsEs6Default) {
        exportsString = "export default function({}){return ";

 	return exportsString + content.replace(/xxxHTMLLINKxxx[0-9\.]+xxx/g, function(match) {
		if(!data[match]) return match;
		var urlToRequest;

		if (config.interpolate === 'require') {
			urlToRequest = data[match];
		} else {
			urlToRequest = loaderUtils.urlToRequest(data[match], root);
		return ' + require(' + JSON.stringify(urlToRequest) + ') + ';
	}) + "};";


