I have managed to compile PortAudio on windows using MSYS. this process has created 2 files: libportaudio-2.dll and libportaudio.dll.a
Now i want to link the libraries in QtCreator, but i can not since it requires a .lib file.
If anybody have experience of compiling and using libraries with MSYS under windows, your input is appreciated.
(Note: they are compiled using MindGW compiler. I dont want to compile it with Microsoft Visual Studio, since then i will have to compile QT)
to solve your problem is very simple. Here I report an example of a file. pros who need to use:
QT += core
QT -= gui
TARGET = mioTestAudio
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
LIBS += -lportaudio.dll <-------- this is the part you are interested
SOURCES += main.cpp