At the moment I have spotlight-api code which searches email's body. I'm using NSMetadataQuery
and creating predicate for "kMDItemTextContent like[c] %@"
. This works fine when requested "search-term" is in body of email.
In Spotlight App (magnifier icon in top right) if I enter "to: john" I'll get list of emails in which "to" field contains word "john" (e.g. part of some email address john@something.com).
I tried to achieve this with [NSCompoundPredicate orPredicateWithSubpredicates:]
by adding additional predicates of type "kMDItemRecipients"
, "kMDItemRecipientEmailAddresses"
, "kMDItemAuthors"
, "kMDItemAuthorEmailAddresses"
and "kMDItemSubject"
Unfortunately this doesn't return desired emails.
Does anyone know how to achieve this by using Spotlight-API?
Below is my code for this:
NSString *predicateFormat = @"kMDItemTextContent like[c] %@";
NSPredicate *predicateToRun = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:predicateFormat, self.searchKey];
NSString *predicateFormat1 = @"kMDItemTitle like[c] %@";
NSPredicate *predicateToRun1 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:predicateFormat1, self.searchKey];
NSString *predicateFormat2 = @"kMDItemAuthorEmailAddresses like[c] %@";
NSPredicate *predicateToRun2 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:predicateFormat2, self.searchKey];
NSString *predicateFormat3 = @"kMDItemAuthors like[c] %@";
NSPredicate *predicateToRun3 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:predicateFormat3, self.searchKey];
NSString *predicateFormat4 = @"kMDItemRecipientEmailAddresses like[c] %@";
NSPredicate *predicateToRun4 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:predicateFormat4, self.searchKey];
NSString *predicateFormat5 = @"kMDItemRecipients like[c] %@";
NSPredicate *predicateToRun5 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:predicateFormat5, self.searchKey];
NSString *predicateFormat6 = @"kMDItemSubject like[c] %@";
NSPredicate *predicateToRun6 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:predicateFormat6, self.searchKey];
NSUInteger options = (NSCaseInsensitivePredicateOption|NSDiacriticInsensitivePredicateOption);
NSPredicate *compPred = [NSComparisonPredicate
predicateWithLeftExpression:[NSExpression expressionForKeyPath:@"*"]
rightExpression:[NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:self.searchKey]
predicateToRun = [NSCompoundPredicate orPredicateWithSubpredicates:
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
predicateToRun, predicateToRun1, predicateToRun2, predicateToRun3, predicateToRun4,
predicateToRun5, predicateToRun6, nil]];
predicateToRun = [NSCompoundPredicate andPredicateWithSubpredicates:
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:predicateToRun, [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(kMDItemContentType != 'public.vcard')"], nil]];
[self.query setPredicate:predicateToRun];
[self.query startQuery];
I know how to do this with MDQuery - which in my opinion is simpler.
You can use basically the same queries as you can use in mdfind from the command line.
make a search string like: (NOT tested)
((((kMDItemAuthorEmailAddresses == "*john*"cd)) || ((kMDItemAuthors == "*john*"cd))) && (kMDItemContentType == 'com.apple.mail.emlx'))
also in terminal mdls /path/to/library/mail/v2/24324.emlx will show what to search on for emails. Its your friend
Note how you can hook up objective c notifications.
NSString* query = some string ;
MDQueryRef mdQuery = MDQueryCreate(nil, (CFStringRef)query, nil, nil);
// if something is goofy, we won't get the query back, and all calls involving a mil MDQuery crash. So return:
if (mdQuery == nil)
NSNotificationCenter* nf = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[nf addObserver:self selector:@selector(progressUpradeQuery:) name:(NSString*)kMDQueryProgressNotification object:(id) mdQuery];
[nf addObserver:self selector:@selector(finishedUpradeQuery:) name:(NSString*)kMDQueryDidFinishNotification object:(id) mdQuery];
[nf addObserver:self selector:@selector(updatedUpradeQuery:) name:(NSString*)kMDQueryDidUpdateNotification object:(id) mdQuery];
// Should I run this query on the network too? Difficult decision, as I think that this will slow stuff way down.
// But i think it will only query leopard servers so perhaps ok
//MDQuerySetSearchScope(mdQuery, (CFArrayRef)[NSArray arrayWithObjects:(NSString*)kMDQueryScopeComputer, (NSString*)kMDQueryScopeNetwork, nil], 0);
// start it
BOOL queryRunning = MDQueryExecute(mdQuery, kMDQueryWantsUpdates);
if (!queryRunning)
mdQuery = nil;
// leave this log message in...
NSLog(@"MDQuery failed to start.");