not avoiding/skipping errors with try and tryCatch

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-08 13:14:30

To understand the problem you need to understand how try() works. Specifically, try will run the code provided it's first argument until the code completes on it's own or until it encounters an error. The special thing that try() does is that if there is an error in your code it will catch that error (without running the remainder of the code within it's first argument) and (1) return that error and an ordinary R object and (2) allow code after the try() statement to run. For example:

x <- try({
    a = 1  # this line runs
    stop('arbitrary error') # raise an explicit error
    b = 2  # this line does not run
print('hello world') # this line runs despite the error

Note that in the above code x is an object of class 'try-error', whereas in the following codex is equal to 2 (the last value of the block):

x <- try({
    a = 1  # this line runs
    b = 2  # this line runs too

obtaining the return allows you to test whether there was an error via inherits(x,'try-error').

How this applies to you is that I'm pretty sure you just want to include the block that runs within the for loops in your try() statemetn as in:

for (scp.loop in scp.matrix)
    for (fit.rate in 1:10)

            blah, blah, blah, 
