SSIS is running extremely slow in designer view

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-08 12:32:38


First, thank you for your time and consideration. Let me start by providing some context to my problem.

I'm working on an ETL package which contains some data flows.

One of those have 47 elements as described in the picture:

I need to change the metadata in the Source, but when the error/warning push the validation BIDS melt down and gets super slow, imposible to work on any element. I have tried with Delay Validation, Metadata validation and even try with the solutions in the next articles/posts:

SSIS Designer is running VERY slowly

Why my BIDS is slow in design mode ?

SSIS package reacts slow in BIDS

I can't find a solution to this that doesn't imply making again the dataflow from scratch.


After a couple of hours, asking a lot of collegues, reading a lot of posts online I realized that an enourmous amount of validation errors were comming from the Union All marked in the picture.

Delete it errased most of the validation errors that were consuming BIDS resources.

So I deleted the element in question and then I changed the metadata, BIDS's performance stayed optimal through the edition process. Then I added the Union All again and conected the flows.

