Watson Conversation: What is lost when restoring a Workspace from a JSON “dump”-file?

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-08 11:37:53


What is "lost" or what kind of measurable impact has it, when restoring a previously heavily trained Watson Conversation Workspace from its JSON dump-file?

As it seems to me on a small example workspace, the bot is running again. Most probably not as good as before.

Considering a much larger workspace in the future: Is there a way

  1. to quantify and/or measure such lost quality?
  2. to "retrain" the bot (restore the original bot quality after restoring a trained workspace from its dump)? And when yes: what would the best solution be to do that?


When you restore or retain a larger Watson workspace ( if it contains a huge number of intents or entities ) it will create as it is, unless your account plan or credentials is expired


The workspace JSON file contains the entire definition of the dialog. If you trained the dialog using the improve feature, then that training is also part of the exported / imported workspace. The structure contains elements for examples and counterexamples which are captured during the training and improve process.

Bottom line: When you export a trained workspace, importing the workspace nothing is lost.

