UPDATE: It seems to be working "OK" this am... although I am not sure why certain replies have /r/n at the end and why certain don't. I have explicitly turned Handshaking OFF...
An example of the commands, queries, and replies is posted below.
**I am using PyVISA frontend to communicate with a sensor.
I am having to have to send a command or make a query three times before there is a change in the output...
Do I have to add wait command before proceeding? I thought the SCPI commands were blocking (synchronous so as to speak). Please let me know if I am doing something awry. Here are a few of my commands:**
>>> import visa
>>> ins = visa.ResourceManager()
>>> print(ins.list_resources())
>>> Energy_sense = ins.open_resource('ASRL6::INSTR')
>>> print(Energy_sense.query('*IDN?'))
Coherent, Inc - EnergyMax USB - V1.2 - Jan 27 2011
>>> Energy_sense.write(":CONF:WAVE 780")
(16, <StatusCode.success: 0>)
>>> print(Energy_sense.query(':CONF:WAVE?'))
>>> Energy_sense.write(":SYST:COMM:HAND OFF")
(21, <StatusCode.success: 0>)
>>> Energy_sense.write(":CONF:MEAS:STAT ON")
(20, <StatusCode.success: 0>)
>>> Energy_sense.write(":CONF:STAT:BSIZ 1000")
(22, <StatusCode.success: 0>)
>>> Energy_sense.query(":CONF:STAT:BSIZ?")
>>> Energy_sense.write(":CONF:STAT:STAR")
(17, <StatusCode.success: 0>)
>>> Energy_sense.query(":READ?")
>>> Energy_sense.query(":CONF:STAT:BSIZ?")
>>> print(Energy_sense.query(':CONF:WAVE?'))
You can find the rest of the commands in the image.
You are correct. VISA commands are blocking, so you should not need a wait after a VISA command. Have you set the timeout? Is it too short? Some devices may take longer to respond to commands than others.
import visa
self._rm = visa.ResourceManager()
self._visa_conn = self._rm.open_resource('GPIB0::%s::INSTR' % instr_addr)
self._visa_conn.timeout = 1000 # In milliseconds
You can remove the '\n' with: